Nissan Xterra Window Regulator Remove and Replace (How To)

Nissan Xterra Window Regulator Remove and Replace (How To)

The stock window regulator(motor) was starting to not work and when it did it would move very slow, so we had to replace it with a new one.



Al Truism says:

totally skipped the door handle removal. lol u showed it already off. to the next video

Paul Gray says:

I have an 08 Xterra. I replaced the driver’s door switch as my window was down and wouldn’t come up. I bought a new motor/regulator in one. If I unplug the old motor and plug on the new motor without actually installing it-is that a way to see if the new motor works? I tried that but nothing happened. Does the new motor/regulator have to be installed in the door to work?

Bob Wilson says:

waste of time.

H says:

Seems like a few steps were missing and the "smiley" faces confused me. Check out ChrisFix for better videos

Mark 1983 says:

Ok sooooooo you showed how to remove but not replace. What a waste of time.

Jackie Morris says:

Kinda vague where you remove and put in the new one. I would like to actually see that part. Is there a video that shows all of it?

congoose100 says:

You mentioned you taped it in the "full up" position. This was after removing the bolts when you lowered the window, correct? Then after you bolted up the rail, you untaped and worked the window down to bolt it to the track?

Dutychief says:

Couldn't be more vague..

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