Nissan Quest Misfire

Nissan Quest Misfire

Intermittent misfire, when the scanner & codes are no help.



gamester1416 says:

Now I know what my car has
Thank you

Cameron Pride says:

identafix is not for newbies. there are a lot of test procedures and not a
lot of precautions or warnings. so its not going to tell you if you
miss-test a circuit that you can fry a computer. just fyi. let your
technician take care of it for worry free fix.

kokok1228able says:

my friend helped me with his scanner and it showed knock sensors but my
other buddies suggest between the distributor assembly may it be rotor, cap
or distrib itself. again problem arises only on hot starts. please help and

mjmike jackson says:

i got the same problem !

2TimothyChapter2 says:

Great video! Again thank you!

spelunkerd says:

Brilliant case, way to go.

AutoStudent4Life says:

way to fix em

repairdroid77 says:

I have a Nissan Armada. After seeing this I’m glad it has distributorless
ignition. Have to admit this is a horrible design. Coil in the distributor?
Bad engineering. DIS is the way to go.

WhoSaidTyler says:

I really enjoy these videos, especially the way you constantly emphasize
finding the PROBLEM, not trying to get lucky by replacing parts at random.

EricTheCarGuy says:

Excellent video*****

repairdroid77 says:

@thehegt. To say that it’s bad because of Americans is just retarded. We
can build a stealth bomber but not an automobile? Really? And no other
country has ever designed bad products? If you are so anti-american I
suggest you stay off our American website or take your country bashing

SilentServiceCode says:


TimeHopeFaith says:

I don’t get it. What is with the timing? What is timing?

gonzobizarro says:

As usual, great vid by realfixesrealfast but… Why not just replace the
bad coil instead of a whole distributor? It is so easy on these cars.

JackMacyntire says:

Wear the seatbelt!

Epill11 says:

is identifix free??

DursosZeroPred says:

@aleksankazakov When you’re professionally fixing something for a customer,
He wants the job done right. Not tape that will melt or rot off in a few

Ron Benson says:

Excellent!!!!!! Thank you for all your posts guys!

kokok1228able says:

mr realfixesrealfast, my first time commenting on ur site. if u could
explain it to me, how come my 97 quest is ok to on cold start but after
shutdown, a few minutes after i cant start it anymore. feels like chugging
and hesitation. cant tell you if its a misfire coz im not familiar with how
it sounds and feels. (continued…)

Jose Soledad says:

not my car problem but a great video -.-

centervilletn says:

how difficult is it to change the throttle position sensor on the 2000
quest? whats the labor time? thanks for the help..ken

Johnny Maroto says:

OK. good information.

jimisback says:

@aleksankazakov It will mask it, not fix it. You could use high voltage
putty. Best to replace it though.

David Mortiz says:


Will Smith says:

actually the spark jumps again @ 5:52 ,right before they stop crancking the
engine,maybe will have the same problem again latter on? nissan bad design

carloscuquito says:

you cant just get a coil anymore the y will not sell you one, you got to
get the whole distributor

VMATT500C says:

Great as Usual.

jakdedert says:

My Villager (’98) had the same sort of problem. Turned out to be a bad plug
wire. My distributer’s slightly different than this one.

MoH ALO says:

Best detective I ever seen… I really like your videos keep it up

dmorley100 says:

Nice vid. I’m suprised the high voltage shorting to ground wasn’t the cause
of the P0500 DTC.

André Eriksen says:

Thanks for the vidoe. Helped loads!

studpuppy69 says:

I actually like the music lol. Great vids!

Alex K says:

A piece of electrical tape will fix the old distributor and save you $400!

boaterbil says:

I have found that 1 or more plug wires had high resistance after locating
this crack

wardubo says:

I like how you dont jump to conclusions. You actually diagnose and look for

thehegt Tr says:

i hear that this Nissan quest is a fuck up design because of the American
put their hand on .

Javier Contreras says:

Tengo una nissan quest 1995 como puedo sacarle los codigos llampear para
ver los codigos

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