Nissan Altima 2005 door panel removal

Nissan Altima 2005 door panel removal

Steps to front door panel removal in Nissan Altima 2005.



~OnlyItalian~ says:

ahahah so true

MazterGeday says:

Hello Scott, thanks for your comments, I’m glad it was usefull. I just made
it to help people. The track is from Julio Revueltas, a mexican musician
and guitarrist. The album: “El Cuerpo”, the song: “Comenzando a vivir”.
Julio made 4 albums and then vanished!, it’s a shame. Have a nice day!

JulyZerg says:

Can’t believe this video’s quality in 2013.

MazterGeday says:

Jarelis, me dá gusto poder ayudarte, espero tengas suerte con tu auto. que
tengas buen día.

Scott Brooks says:

Awesome help video! Who is the music track by? Its great!

Jarelis Gonzalez says:

muchas gracias por el video tengo que cambiar los 2 handles de la puerta
izq. de mi carro…y el foco izq de atras… me ayudo mucho…

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