Nissan 3.0 V6 timing belt, Water pump And thermostat

Nissan 3.0 V6 timing belt, Water pump And thermostat Part 1 1994 Nissan 3.0 v6 timing belt, waster pump and thermostat replacement.



markj says:

Thanks again man. Great guy 

Raven Walker says:

This is helpful thank you

Niko G says:

question on taking the lower timing belt cover off in order to get if off
u have to take the harmonic balance wheel off right cause i have to
replace water pump let me know asap doing it today i just wanna know whats
the best way to get the screw off the harmonic balance and whats size
socket is it

Lance Fincher says:

how ya doin? I have a 95pathfinder v6 and timing belt has been removed.
unsure on how to reasemle w/all gears an timing marks.i understand about
exaust and compression stroke but still not confident on how to proceed and
be sure about the drivers side cam being in the rite position/ thank you n
hope I can get some tips/ Lance..

Mike Bellman says:

Please mumble, stammer and go off topic closer to the microphone. 

Keith Nanthavongsa says:

Awesome vids. Appreciate your time and experience. Not related to this
video but if you could help that would be great. 175k miles 1995 Nissan
pickup king cab xe automatic v6 2wd tranny no reverse, drives in neutral,
drives in d, drives in 2, no 1
What might be the problem and what to do?
Thanks for your advice. 

JayNY142 says:

Thanks for the video u helped me and my friend change the pump at 1 am
right now lmao thanks bro next time you should zoom in more but thanks bro

Raven Walker says:

Do u live in TN I need

acushnet22 says:

This was a great video, best timing chain video Ive seen. about $ post your
address more, people will send letters mail and you would problly get more
b bussiness.

hondaslave says:

thanks for the vids bro,,,,loving it,,,,

soylentgreen says:

Great video, also, do you have any suggestions on getting a po5oo speed
sensor code on a 97 Nissan Hardbody. Thanks

Ken Burke says:

I have a 1997 3.3 pathfinder. tensioner on timing belt broke. how do i tell
if belt jumped a tooth or two? what is the correct procedure for replacing
the belt? Im asking because if it jumped a tooth or two all marks would be
off. Thanks

fastdac1 says:

what is that box under passenger seat in 91 pathfinder ? what does
adjusting it do ?

Kevin Carpenter says:

This is an amazing video, love the closeups and especially love the quality
of the camera.

velox731 says:

Awwh man, you sprayed some brake cleaner on my eye 🙂 Great video!

robinsonsauto says:

@hondaslave thank you

mwd92 says:

what tools do u prefer snap on or craftsmen

NothingToLose94 says:

Ok, I have a huge question. Is there any way to check the timing belt
without taking everything off? I have a 94 pathfinder and I think I might
need to change the timing belt, but I want to know if it’s bad first.
Because once I take everything off, unless it’s brand new, I might as will
change it right?

Rowland Anderson says:

Great video!

MrDecoy007 says:

Just bought a 91′ Nissan pickup 4cil having overheating issues think it’s
either the thermostat or water pump. What do you think?

Ronald Heit says:

If the timing marks line up it is at TDC. in newer engines past the late
’80s. It became a standard to cut time for dealer mech,s cost savings.

Christopher Chase says:

change it anyways you’ll be better off in the long run not pulling all that
stuff out again

robinsonsauto says:

@acushnet22 thanks for the compliment, that’s a good suggestions thanks

mario sanchez says:

Great job

hondaslave says:

so if the thermostat malfunctioned, you would have to tear that engine
down,,,seems as if they wound have made it easier…..still better than
toyota 3.0L..

Christopher Chase says:

thanks for making this video saved me alot of money doing it my self, im
not a car guy but i work on bikes,quads, small engines so bolts are bolts.
but again thanks!!

Derek Lowe says:

Thats great…But, How did you remove the crankshaft harmonizer with a chain
tool? I have my crankshaft pulleys off but the harmonizer needs a puller

robinsonsauto says:

@hondaslave you can get it without going that deep however its not the
easiest one to do

mike armstrong says:

great video i have a 86.5 nissan d21 v6 is it the same procedre and
shouldent you put the truck at tdc first

fivefortyeye540i says:

@robinsonsauto if u are doing a timing belt job,just routine maintenance if
the timing belt did not jump or break. Is it as simple as loosing the
tensioner and removing the belt and putting a new one on with new tensioner
without having to adjust crank and cam sprokets. Because it’s all still in

robinsonsauto says:

yup, when you see me aligning the marks that’s what im doing

emilio aguilar says:

great inf keep it coming, thanks

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