how to change brake pads and rotors on your car

how to change brake pads and rotors on your car

changing worn brake pads and rotor on my 2005 nissan frontier SE. humorous commentary by my son glen to keep it light.



Ezio Auditore says:

“He’s lubing it up. Getting ready for insertion” lol..idiot. that was funny

hsteimer23 says:

Is your frontier 4×4?

Meatasuarus says:

I installed Wearever Gold Premium ceramic pads to minimize the brake dust
and try to keep my rims clean.

BRYS49ERS says:

Dude didn’t know it was that easy. What kind of lube was he using. Thanks

Meatasaurus Rex says:

I used the ceramic break grease packet that you can get at any auto parts

david palady says:

thanks for posting this, very helpful 🙂

XYtruck25 says:

nice video. What kind of brake pads did you install? Factory pads or
another brand?

lpsatheartX3 says:

What brand rotors did you install,?

HR L says:

Very comprehensive video having done it myself. Just for you to note, you
forgot to put back the little spring that fits into the little hole on the
brake pad.

Brian Buckingham says:

FYI, it is common for this model to have the inner pads worn and the out
look almost untouched.

Meatasaurus Rex says:

Thanks HR L, I realized that after the fact and installed it later. I
should have updated the video but wasn’t sure how.

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