AC Receiver Drier Liquid Tank Replacement – Nissan Altima 2007-2012

AC Receiver Drier Liquid Tank Replacement – Nissan Altima 2007-2012

Replacement Parts:
AC Receiver Drier/Accumulator/Dehydrator:
Pressure Switch Sensor:

AC Receiver Drier Liquid Tank Accumulator Dehydrator Replacement – Nissan Altima 2007-2012

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mrmccollum0925 says:

My AC on my 07 Altima works when I first start it and then it goes out about 5 miles down the road. Turn off the engine and restart it and the AC works again. Do you know what the issue could be???

bmillersince92 says:

i have a 02 i35 infiniti, nissan and infiniti are identical basically, my AC blows hot air, my compressor works, the shop told me the compressor is just pushing metal shavings out and said i need to replace compressor dryer and extension valve, does this sound right? also my coolant fans dont work but half the time, could it really be the fans and not the AC system thats at fault?

razz P says:

Great video. My 2007 sentra has not had it's AC working for 7 years. When it stopped working 7 years ago the dealership said it had a condenser leak. I bought a spare condenser which come with AC dryer. Would you recommend replacing anything else? Also if I replace the AC dryer condenser and then drive to shop next day to have system recharged and oiled, is that too much of a wait. I assume there is moisture and oxygen in the AC system as it was open for 7 years?

naiefelyemeni1986 says:

My 2011 Altima just started leaking oil from compressor yesterday.. after I replaced the pulley ( it was warped )
So do I really need to replace the receiver and and expansion valve ???
It's only 5 years old.. and it was blowing perfectly nice Cold air.. Oil looks new to.. I'm thinking just compressor and recharge ?

FreddyTech says:

How much oil do i have to add when replacing the receiver drier,I have a mitsubishi outlander 2005

rami timany says:

dear i have a nissan altima 2008 3.5L i have a problem with the ac that when i turn on the ac on the car the compressor work directly but the cold air will delay for maybe 5 to 10min to begin flowing knowing that the air blowing will start from the sec you turn on the ac only im having delay in the cold air blowing.

Sergio Baltodano says:

Great video quality and easy to follow!! Have one question… Do you have the o-rings sizes for the AC dryer and condenser?

SunilK says:

Your videos are very good and easy to understand. I'm looking for the Expansion Valve Replacement video but could not find it on You Tube site. Can you please help me?

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