Mitsubishi medallion ws-55613 9V regulator repair

Mitsubishi medallion ws-55613 9V regulator repair

Misubishi 55 inch 9V regulator ic replacement. Left out the process more just the ic location and identification. Tv works great!!!



Irongimp952007 says:

really I checked with them when I did the repair and the didn’ t have it.
Those sets are going to start failing more and more in my opinion so parts
may become more available. when I.started working on mi.e I saw very few
post on that model but latley I’ve been seding more and more parts.and Info
on them. The previous model was the same way. Just my opinion though.

GnarlyCarM1 says:

…and it showed up in Minnesota in 2 days with no expedited shipping…

GnarlyCarM1 says:

got to dubdubdubdot audiolabga dotcom, and search the Mitsubishi part
number 270P677030. 1.79 plus shipping from Atlanta, Georgia.

Irongimp952007 says:

It’s been so long I can’t remember exactly where. I know it came from China
and took almost a.month to get here. I just scoured the internet using the
number on the top of the regulator. It was ba09something. You could try
find chips either the site or find chips has an android app as well. It
took me a while to find it though.

BayAreaSun says:

Where did you find the 9v regulator?

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