Mitsubishi 65″ TV During Repairs

Mitsubishi 65″ TV During Repairs

Here is the pincushion board during repair.



Mark Taverner says:

Hello Chriss i have a big problem with my tv it has a problem that has a
vertical black lines but it has a video…

TheWomblemaster says:

ic, so what is this saadaa that you talk about in the video? 😛

TheCRTman says:

Soldier. It is a substance used to connect solid state parts into a circuit

TheCRTman says:

Sorry, I spelled it wrong. It is called “solder.”

chrisstv1979 says:

I can not find anywhere in the video where I said saada. You might have
heard solder sucker. So please all listen carefully before making comments.

TheCRTman says:

“saadaa” is solder.

TheWomblemaster says:

hmmm in my exp soldiers are used for dunkin in yokey eggs….

TheWomblemaster says:

wth is saddar?

swordbearer3 says:

thanks cris1

alberto gorin says:

i would like to see it the tv if it repaird

swordbearer3 says:

hi. chris, i have a big problem with my subwoofer.the fuse always bog down.
and a humming sound. how can i repair this. thanks

chrisstv1979 says:

Check and replace the caps in the power supply. That would be a first
start. Let me know if this helps.

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