Ductless Mini-Split: How to Take Apart & Clean DIY (Mitsubishi FH High Wall Series)

Ductless Mini-Split: How to Take Apart & Clean DIY (Mitsubishi FH High Wall Series)

See a demonstration of taking apart and cleaning the Mitsubishi Electric FH-series ductless minisplit heat pump. Thanks to Garrett Beneker of Lincoln Air in Phoenix, AZ for sharing his expertise, and to Jim Clark of Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating for introducing us!
Here’s the installation of this system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLuS0_6i9GI



big D says:

Please speak up and make sure your camera isn't blurry!

Bruce W says:

another video that shows that these units are junk. They have people everywhere installing this garbage in their houses. What a scam

peanutaxis says:

My set screw is a hex/allen key and it won't budge even with a lot of torque. I've tried CRC to no luck. Any tips?

Sabine B. says:

glad I found this video. I already knew how the right side came apart (cn105 access) but not the entire unit and the little wiggle tricks needed.
Man did my oldest sons u it have mold. Took 3hrs to clean all the mold and that blower was caked with dust and mold. nasty!!! seems the air filters are not adequate enough. will need to clean this yearly going forwards.
As was stated by someone else, my blower was rubbing somewhere really bad, had to push all the way right. now it rubs less, maybe I moved it too far right. next time I pull it apart I'll have to adjust it again. .. again thanks for the great video.

Len Poulin says:

Fantastic video from a pro to clean it the right way. I couldn't run this AC/Heat pump in my studio over the garage! It started to really bother my eyes and sinuses. I had no idea these units need regular cleaning for the mold (I've never cleaned the air handler in the attic in my whole house AC, and still no problems). Even still, I'm very happy with this unit which is the only heat and ac source for this space.

Nick Kimbrough says:

Just cleaned my minisplit, this video was amazing as it's the same model I have and made the job very easy! Thanks for posting!

patrick west says:

From my experience at the Mitsubishi diamond dealer training center in Boston i was informed to never use anything but water to clean the coil because coil cleaners will strip the protective coating off the fins resulting in faster build up. I would prefer to use an actual cleaner over water. What are your thoughts?

Angel Brain says:

I’m a renter and I’m not sure if I feel comfortable taking this apart. But I’ve been getting a
LOT of allergies. If it my responsibility or the landlords to have it cleaned?

P Hanley says:

Wait, we're not just supposed to throw them away every few years like everything else? 😉 Great stuff guys, keep it up!

Pj says:

The Mitsubishi rep should have provided a website for written instructions on this procedure.

D K says:

Did this guy just wipe the mold off the wheel directly above the seat cushions, spreading the mold everywhere????? Was he having an aneurism??

Tony Trupp says:

Why do they make it so hard to disassemble these if they need to be cleaned so often?!

George Laxton says:

What a great video, thank you very much!!!

Debra Silbert says:

Not sure how I'm going to get the pieces apart as ours has about 6" clearance on the left before there's a cabinet ;-(

Debra Silbert says:

What cleaner do we use if the general public can't buy what you're showing?

Kenny Lohr says:

My man, Corbett! I really appreciate the help you've been on my tiny house over the years. Last year my a/c contractor did this job for around $400, I was busy working from home so I let them do it. This year, the price is $1000 so I am back here brushing up on maintenance procedures for my FH series. This information is great, not a difficult job for the DIYer so thanks again for ALL the useful videos. One question though… A/C contractors (including my own) are pushing the sale and installation of UV lights inside mini splits. I get the idea and it sounds like it would work, it seems kind of scammy to me. Surely the commercial UV sterilizers work to some degree but I have serious doubts about installing $40 worth of power supply and an LED strip being worth the $1200 that I was quoted. What do you think? What about the RGF unit mentioned elsewhere in the comments? Are these topics worth doing a video on, maybe?

Tony Rowley says:

What a pain in the butt. Holy crap, kinda regretting buying mini split

Michael White says:

Well explained video. My Mitsubishi H2 unit was full of mold, by following this video I was able to disassemble, clean and reassemble the unit.

Larry Wallace says:

Thank you for posting this tutorial. It helped me with cleaning my units.
The only thing I would add is that the drain pan is alot easier to reinstall if the coil mount screws are still loose on the left side of the unit. Once in place then tighten the mount screws. Regardless, very useful video. Thank you.

golfandsquashguy says:

Nice video. I have the same unit. Two questions: (the unit is 8 years old). I have dirt coming out of the unit every or every other day, dirt in the form of black/grey chunks that look like compressed dust. Could I take my leaf blower and blow through the unit to get the dirt/dust out? Could that ruin the unit? Thanks, david from Toronto

Well That’s Interesting says:

I have 5 units in my house. Contractor wants to charge 500 a unit clean.

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