1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Restoration Part 1!! (How to replace your windshield wipers +Reverse lights)

1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Restoration Part 1!! (How to replace your windshield wipers +Reverse lights)

This is my 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse, it’s my first car which I purchased for $4800. Over the next year me and my dad are going to be restoring this amazing car. And this is just the beginning. Like and subscribe to be a part of this journey.



@WillBarnhart says:

Nice!!! Sick eclipse!! That’s fire

@AndyV_Wags says:

Love it, I grew up with an Eclipse so this will be cool to see! Good to see someone still loves these DSM cars!

@chriss.1690 says:

This is fire!! Very excited to see this thing!

@SmurfsAutoGarage says:

This is the start of a long journey ❤

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