Removing mercury from gold.wmv

Removing mercury from gold.wmv

I show the retorting process to remove mercury from gold.



bigdearmond says:

I thought that I heard once that mercury can be cleaned from the gold with
an acid. I have yet to get enough coated gold to really look into it though.

Gabriel H says:

So the mercury only captures the gold correct?!

barndawg707 says:

I like that sign off. Can I use that sometime? My email address is actually
a reference to star trek as well. Love your videos bro. Keep ’em comin’.

kyle lovelady says:


hwd124 says:

thanks, very interesting video

HurtHawks says:

Mercury bonds to gold. It coats the larger pieces and forms an amalgam with
the small bits. Rick

kasse g says:

To Clean mercury from gold using acid is a good way to remove it. You will
need nitric acid in a 40% solution or higher. Be vary carefully when using
this method, not only is nitric acid dangerous, but the fumes from the
reaction are toxic.

kgphoto says:

What happened to the sound?

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