Easy Outboard Motor Removal

Easy Outboard Motor Removal

I had to come up with an easy safe way to lift my 69 Mercury 1000 Tower of Power from my Glastron V176. I think I came up with an elegant solution that works…



Small Saddle Wedgie says:

Kudos on the stand and all, but I’m not sure why you have this video still
You didn’t record what the video is about, you didn’t record putting it
back on as you said you would in the comment section, and you didn’t post
the link for the stand.
I’m just not seeing the usefulness here….
But hey, it’s the internet… ride on cowboy.

Curtis Cayer says:

You missed recording the most important part of what your video was
intended to demonstrate..argh!

Tracker Productions says:

I know! Actually, it’s dead easy. You just need to keep the motor vertical
on the bowl of the jack at all times. The two guys helping me said it was
easy on their end. I’m going to record us putting it back on in about a
week max and I’ll be posting that video! The most important part is
actually the preparation, and the gear. Setting up the jack with the
horizontal stabilization was key. I hope it was helpful at any rate. It was
a lot more than I was able to find myself. 🙂

beeroosterm says:

Asshole. If it was so easy, why didn’t you just put the thing back on and
do it over? Fucking PROphylactic…

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