Turn Signal Switch Replacement Mercedes Benz C-Class 2001-2007

Turn Signal Switch Replacement Mercedes Benz C-Class 2001-2007

Today on 2CarPros we show you how to remove the steering wheel and replace the turn signal switch on a Mercedes Benz C Class between the years of 2001-2007.

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*Disclaimer: Please use all safety precautions



Bladimir Mosqueda says:

Gracias muy buena explicación felicidades

Erwin Eulaers says:

Really helpfull video, I had the black and white wire broken: my wipers only worked when I was not using the blinkers. Thank you guys

necrisuni says:

What type of screwdriver is used at 6.07 to take off the whole ring?

Yarnoshke says:

SO I think i need to do this on a c180. Is it gonna all be similar? Take wheel cover off and do all the things? How much would it cost a mechanic to do this?

Eric Davis says:

whipper not workin turn signal not working .. Windows not working

Freddy Ulvseth says:

Hi, do you know it there are any way to modify this so the indicator and cruisecontrol stick is pointing out on the right side of the wheel? I had a brainstroke in 2010 and my left side is paralyzed (not working), I drive with automatic and right hand only, It would made my day easyer if i had the sticks to the right 😉

Rosinante D says:

What size did you use to take off the airbag

Chi-Jui Lee says:

what is the tip for removing the steering angle sensor? I have really hard time to remove it but the move seems very easy.

Carpe diem says:

I always thaught turn signals were an option on a Mercedes-Benz?

David Mason says:

When you were removing the clock spring you used a small
flat bladed screwdriver (4:47 in the video). I’m assuming that you used it to
remove/open the plastic retaining clips in order that the clock spring could be
removed.I’m at the stage where I need to pull the clock spring but,
despite removing the three small screws, it won’t come off the spline. Can you please tell me what you actually did at that point in
the video to allow the clock spring to come free?

Afraaz Baksh says:

Is this process same for 2008 c350?

Steven Norman says:

Thank you, one of the best step by step videos I have seen! you legend

Victor Abad says:

The tools at first to take off the airbag and what tork to take off the bolt in the middle of the steering wheel

Victor Abad says:

Do you guys have a list of tools in order to complete this process by any chance?

Ed W says:

I have a 2003 e320. Is the steps the same?

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