Mercedes sound sistem fiber optic repair DIY

Mercedes sound sistem fiber optic repair DIY

Mercedes ML sound fiber optic bypass with no couplers



Jon Randall says:

Nice video… so the idea is to trim carefully the fiber optic wire, and just place them together with a very very small space in between them ? This small space allows the light to keep the connection intact ? Do the two fiber optic wires touch where they join ? I wonder where to buy the clear tubing you found to cover the splice area ?? Thanks for the great video !!

Granpa Strange says:

Hey dude. Use the editor YouTube offers and cut out all the 'um's and 'uh's

Nathan Cummings says:

did u have to put in plastic ..can u shred the wire and jus tie the wire together

Gregory Haven-Dingle says:

Your video… Uhmmm suck ummmm because ummmm you cant ummmm get to the fucking point

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