Mercedes r129 500sl repairing a loose, door mounted power seat control panel

Mercedes r129 500sl repairing a loose, door mounted power seat control panel

how to repair a loose door mounted power seat control panel on a Mercedes sl R129 first generation.



John Knight says:

what is the name of the piece you took out that came in two parts. i have
to replace both sides? and where can i find them Great Video just what i
was looking for 2 hours of it :))

fupabox says:

I replaced all of them after seeing the post from MrBenzsl ( I wouldn’t
have even considered that these parts would be available until he posted)
all the brackets and clips were available through my local dealership
overnight..Around $40 for everything

Mick's Page says:

Thanks for the video when I bought my SL both side were very loose now I
can resolve the issue.

fupabox says:

thanks 🙂

MrBenzsl says:

For anyone who would like to do the job properly and not be sticking bits
of plastic on. These are the part numbers for the 4 spring clips and new
retaining brackets both sides. If you renew them all it will cost less than
$25 per side. 4 off 1297270041 1 off 1297270111 1 off 1297270211 1 off
1297270311 1 off 1297270411 Also DO NOT pull the plate as per Vid it should
be eased from the front towards the back and gently pulled out.

fupabox says:

also MrBenzsl is absolutely correct on gently pushing from the front
towards the rear against the spring clips ,and popping the front out first..

Imperialperil says:

Thanks, I have this exact problem. Not any more!


Easy fix! Thanks again!

jonthetourist says:

Brilliant vid, thanks so much. Just did both of mine, including swapping a
clip from top to bottom as advised. One potential extra tip – On one side
the board that that the plastic fingers bear on was a bit chewed, so I
glued a thin strip of plastic to give the fingers a firm surface to press
against. Thanks again, Jon

fupabox says:

Thank you very much for those part #s I couldn’t find anything other than
entire seat control panels

fupabox says:

excellent tip thanks 🙂

fupabox says:

glad it helped

howyoudoinralph says:

Once again A+ my friend! I so look foreword to all of your vid’s!

bill wizz says:

yes great i will do both of mine soon thanks B

Peter Dimblad says:

Brilliant video. Recently bought a 280SLfor my wife and this is one of the
very few things to fix as they were both very loose. Went out today, 15
minutes later two perfectly solid panels. Brilliant!

fupabox says:

glad it helped 🙂

poorboy2969 says:

This was very helpful,were can i get a dash board kit?? 🙂

fupabox says:

thanks…glad it helped..enjoy the car,,,use only MB recommended fluids and
everything else is simple on these cars . 🙂

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