Mercedes Benz S500-Major Collision Repair-How To Fix Your Own Car, Part 4

Mercedes Benz S500-Major Collision Repair-How To Fix Your Own Car, Part 4

Pete and Minnie are in for a Real Surprise, when a special guest stops by to help out. or 972-420-1293.



countryboy4life28 says:

Pete u have been in the paint booth to many years …..hhaha

Wolfman1974ify says:

ops making the cowln part not maling lol sorry about that it made laugh when u did the clown even though u did it 2010

Wolfman1974ify says:

thanks pete for maling the clown part on video i go back home tommrrow in the U.S but im sure go going to miss my family here in spain hopefully next year i will come back to vist again

swrnc says:

Yeah, Im starting to think Im an Old Timer now–Using Old Spray guns like #7’s….

Christopher Wick says:

You know what Pete? you where wright, Clown Guy rules!!! And are you spraying with a BINKS MODEL 7?

86camaromike says:

You got it

autoroundup39 says:

I watch everyone of Petes videos, I have ever since I found him a year ago on here. I don’t leave as many commnets as I should, but I do rate them 5* everytime.
I think we should all get togeather and see what can be done about Pete having is own TV SHOW. By far this is the best automobile related stuff on Youtube. Ban togeather SWRNC Fans, lets get Pete what he deserves!

Nome Chingues says:

Great Video

Redcoat66 says:

Pete for President!

ziggassedup says:

clown guy is sounding like

SpankyTheHouseRat says:

I will say it for Minnie. “Put Clownguy’s mask back on. When you wear it you aren’t so much of a prick.”

Pete, you are a hard worker and bloody good at what you do. We all make mistakes and we learn from them. if we don’t we continue to be pissed at the world and as you know, this is not a dress rehearsal.

Let the fun times roll!

swrnc says:

and again and again and again and again….

ARAlan1 says:

Well, it looks like Pete has finally solved the mystery of how fisheye got into the paint. This is REALity tv at it’s best, from the SWRNC cast of characters, showing mistakes and all, likely saving many others from the same grief. Xlnt camera work and narration by Minnie.

jamesfreddys says:

Go figure. I feel for you buddy.

redbaronca says:

Thats too bad Pete! ! ! Paint isnt cheap!

doberfag says:

I want clown guy to run for the next presidential election… oh wait we already have a clown act going there.

David Redmon says:

Minnie! good to see you got your foot burried up Petes ass to keep him strait!!!

86camaromike says:

Pete you had a tech school mistake we always screw up the first time and gota do it agian and sometimes agian


i think clown guy needs a raise…

2tallbrandon says:

: ) “don’t forget your safety glasses….”

shiftedx2 says:

clown guy = pete?

ghtowagon says:


oneoleqt says:

are you gonna lower clown guys salary ? hahahahaha

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