DIY cold start issue solved (fixed) Mercedes cold start valve replacement w124 m103 w126 w201

DIY cold start issue solved (fixed) Mercedes cold start valve replacement w124 m103 w126 w201

DIY cold start issue solved Mercedes 260e (300E) cold start valve replacement w124 m103 w126 w201



Malcolm Lambe says:

Start be replacing the Fuel Pump relay behind the battery. It regulates the Cold Start Valve as well. Costs about €100 – non-genuine part. Quicker and easier than pulling the actual CSV. They need replacing after about 100k anyway. Do the Over Voltage Relay next to it while you're at it.

lcagee says:

Here's what I like about this video. It shows the engine compartment so you can get oriented. It shows you how to access the part. And how to remove it. Many videos you don't know where in the heck they are working.

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