Mazda 3 Lowering Spring Install

Mazda 3 Lowering Spring Install

our DIY spring install, yea were not professionals, but hey nothin got broken everything feels awesome and i didnt spend a shit ton of money for labor. thank…




If go lower than 1.5 inches get lowing shocks, or just go with coilovers.

Jimmy Gonzales says:

Yo, Coming in a bit late on this video, but great work!
1: I live in NOLA and these roads are fucking 3rd world- totally shitty! Needless to say, my M3 has taken a fucken beating and I need new struts… fuck! so I’m wondering what you guys suggest given the landscape I live in? To be more specific, I looking for some heavy duty, tank-grade, fuck-off shitty roads struts.

Connor Stephen says:

Your never low enough until you are scraping the ground. That’s just my theory though.

BJ McCardle says:

Digging that lip how do I make one

brenden619 says:

Lol these 2 are full of confidence, atta boys! Got that shit handled! Im going to do mine in the next couple weeks here.


haha my friend has a sticker on his car that says “wheel gap is like a vagina, the more fingers you can fit in the worse it is”

Charles-antoine grignon says:

I was wondering if you are able to put back the original suspension even if you have cut your bump stop ? sick ride btw

kevinmarg35 says:

Do I have to align the car ? When I lowered

samira h says:

vagina power ahh thats messed up lol

fthrizzi says:

how many inches should it be dropped if my 3 has the kenstyle body kit????

TehMG says:

In some parts of the world, people lower their vehicles, but around here, people raise their vehicles. The streets have too many bumps and holes, and in the winter, there is snow. That makes lowered vehicles very impractical, would bottom out a lot.

xavier villa says:

cool man. thanks for telling us aboutt renting the compressors from autozone for free. i was wandering how much i would have to spend to do tht. how much money did u have to lend them tho?

Warner Cooley says:

I tried doing this today.. It was going great until I had to put the strut completely back in the boot. Nothing short of putting the wheel back on and using the weight of the car to force the strut back in with plenty of grease would work (even jacking up the boot into the strut didn’t work). Was almost afraid I would have to leave my car on a jack and eventually tow it. Other than that, this is a very good guide for any Mazda 3 owners.

p.s. – FUCK RUST (I have a 2004 mazda 3)

Mazda3only says:

where did you get your lip?

frazierj757 says:

im think bout doing this to honda civic but do i need to change the shocks AS WELL?

rgbgfive says:

get this bitch in the air!!!!

Brandon Gravador says:

Stock shock? Can these handle the compression

jnsergio503 says:

how low did you go?

lukereens15 says:

what kind of shocks do you use for the rear with???

THEPIRATE813 says:

Good thing that spring Compressor Didnt fly Nice job guys, just did this to my honda, and everything was cool. i just hate compressing the damn springs

Broxty says:

Fuck me I just did this, if anyone is going to try have a couple guys at least and some Windex for the strut to slip into the collar. This shit took me like 3-3.5 hours to do solo. I was expecting to be like 1-2. And you really do need to beat the fuck out of the arm in order for the strut to slip out haha, thanks for that tip.

1dirosa1 says:

lmao ur ball berrings fell out!!!! wtf did u replace them

67stang721 says:

god damn that thing was so high before you lowered it.

sirMS3 says:

Cars are like girls, the more fingers you can fit in…the less attractive it is lol


will these springs work on the 2010 mazda 3? and does it matter if you buy for the sedan hatch or 2.0l or 2.5l. like are they all interchangeable?

Malbi5000 says:

Haha I have done this twice in a garage on my 3 and my buddies3. I work at a shop so what i did there is the same stuff I do at work. anyways he left out a lot of key details when doing struts and springs.

Malbi5000 says:

You didn’t show how to install the rear springs.

AcidGlow524 says:


cameron novak says:

your not really THAT straight

cameron novak says:

could have used one on the rear but it wasnt that bad

AcidGlow524 says:

thats not really THAT low…

boosted321 says:

I think stead of hammering the bottom of the strut out back the bolt half way out. put a quarter between the two sides and run the bolt into the quarter. It should be threaded on both sides. This will spread the two halves allowing the strut to slide out. It will also allow the new strut or old to slide in easier also.

Tim Lam says:

seems like a lot of work, and a lot of room for error. nice video, but personally id leave it to the professionals.

nomes1303 says:

how many inches is ur drop?

BlackEquinox418 says:

Your garage looks like a pro shop O.o

Tyler Odoy says:

Home depot lip ROFL!!! Yall are pretty chill haha

Still a little gap, but it’s better than nothing lol

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