Mazda 3 Fuel Filter Replacement

Mazda 3 Fuel Filter Replacement

DIY tutorial for the Mazda 3
Fuel Filter Replacement.
Simple and Easy job that takes 30-60minutes.

I take no responsibility for your actions, your work or your vehicle from following the procedures in this instructional video



javier terrazas camargo says:

hola buenas podrian ayudarme a como remplazar el filtro de gasolina del mazda demio año 2009 o mazda 2 gracias espero su resp.

FictionsAndIllusions says:

Hi Auto Mojo, my mechanic says the fuel filter Mazda 3 2012 GS-Skyactive cannot be serviced. Is that true?

Riz Hassan says:

What year Mazda is this model? Dealership is telling me that 2007 model don't have fuel filter???

Niyuth Chea says:

Great video! Bought myself the fuel disconnect tool and following the steps literally took 10 minutes to change the fuel filter. Thanks for uploading this video mate.

noob saibot says:

hi does the mazda 3 2010 has a fuel filter?

Alessandro Terracciano says:

hi, do you know if it is the same procedure for a mazda 6 2006 ?

brad ley says:

just wondering if its necessary to depressurise the system before doing this?

BryanG760 says:

is the 7 mazda speed 3 the same way

Rick R says:

How often should the filter be replaced and why/ what are the symptoms ?

yungbizzy210 says:

wanted to know if you knew where the reset button would be on this type of car

mark neely says:

doesn't the arrow on the filter point towards the front of the vehicle?

Bobby L says:

Where did you get the replacement?

Viper Slide says:

Thank you, you are ingenious and saved me allot of money, thanks

Respectfully; Andy

terence w bird says:

Would you just like to show how that tool worked on the second (rear most) fitting or better still, be up-front and explain to the viewers that it does not work on the rear fitting.

mohamed elokda says:

hi Zach. I need to know the name of the hoes that comes out from the filter to the motor . regards

Nathan Burke says:

Really good video, where did you get the tool from? I can't seem to locate it on ebay. Thanks heaps!!

Zach Komins says:

Just out of curiosity which country do you live in? There is a lot of differing answers whether or not Mazda 3s have a serviceable fuel filter.

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