How to replace Transmission Mazda 626 part4

How to replace Transmission Mazda 626 part4

You will need air tool impact gun to remove some bolts even 25 inch brake bar could remove some of them… the size of the socket to remove all this supports…



Alexey Gavrilov says:

спасибо за коммент… thanks for your comment…

GodBlessYouTuub says:

Алёша, спасибо за детальное и по-этапное видео. Особенно хочу отметить как нельзя более уместное применение лазерного фонарика в качестве указки.

Alex, thank you the your detailed step-by-step video. In particular, want to commend your clever use of laser pointer.

Alexey Gavrilov says:

on this mazda some bolts can’t be removed without impact at all!! I almost hurt myself with brake bar…

Clay ton says:

Nice work. Good to see you are wearing gloves. I have an electric impact, makes a huge difference in helping to remove stubborn bolts.

Nice an warm there I bet. Can not wait until spring comes and I can work on cars in my boxer shorts. Getting 10*F weather here.

Alexey Gavrilov says:

yes, soon..

juan david says:

nice video
ends work

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