How To Replace 2017 Mazda 3 CMU (language warning)

How To Replace 2017 Mazda 3 CMU (language warning)

I go through the steps of replacing the CMU with an ebay bought unit from a wrecked 2018 Mazda 3. Those who “enjoyed” my HOTAS repair video should find this in the same vein…. with a higher budget.



KB says:

Dude I’m laughing so hard

Beth McLaughlin says:

Why would I take advice from a moron like you who feels the need to describe how to use a socket wrench? Get to the point. And learn how to edit.

david says:

hey, where'd you order from? i'm from ontario as well and having the same issue

ResolveDigitalMedia says:

Hey man, thanks for the video. Do you know if I were to order in Australian CMU? Would it work with my North America unit?

David Schneider says:

Thanks for this; it was very helpful. But just as a head-up, for anyone else trying this… there's really no need to go through all the business with the glove box, taking it apart, and going at the trim from underneath it. Just use the cheap trim-removal tool from Amazon to pry out the trim. It comes out fairly easy without all that. Start prying from the end over top the glovebox, and work your way up to the air conditioner vent area. It's really not too bad! The rest of the video was very helpful!

Edwin Robles says:

Best repair video ever!!!

Thirdeyebull says:

Did you need to sync anything after or did it automatically work?

peter sawatzky says:

This is the best repair video I've ever seen man!

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