Water Lotus Seedling Update

Water Lotus Seedling Update

Here is the update that many of you were asking for. The water lotus seedlings are doing pretty good. they certainly like the warmer temps 🙂 the growth rate…



PlantzNThings says:

@brendan sea – That’s a great Idea… Thank you for the suggestion.. I
will try this :)

Brendan Sea says:

Hi Bill! Would placing a paper towel on the surface of the water pick up
the oily stuff? Might be an easier solution if it works. :)

Orchid lover says:

Very nice, I’m going to an Asian food market on Saturday, hoping to pick
one of these up, Great video and wish me luck! 🙂 ;)

nery colon 1 says:

That’s real nice. Here is very hard to do things with water because of the
mosquitos. I do have a mini hydroponics but I clean it every 4 days. Keep
up the great work. United Succulents

cb6112 says:

very cool Bill I saw that build up on the last bucket you showed in your
video. It does look like Gas or fuel , Awesome you should have some nice

funGODfun says:

So cool! Tried growing lotus from seeds a couple of years ago, got them.to
the stage where they’d have one open leaf and in the progress of forming a
second one, but I can’t remember what happened exactly after that, they
just died or something. Trying again this year, think I’ll plant them in a
big black plastic bucket on my sunny patio instead of in my semi shaded
pond. Any tips on getting them through the winter? I live in Holland, and
temperatures here can get pretty low in winter, staying below freezing
point for several weeks.

PlantzNThings says:

Check out the update on my Water Lotus Seedlings.. they are doing pretty
good :)

ivy geerman says:

Great video

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