TWS 2.9 CCW – Lotus Exige VF3

TWS 2.9 CCW  – Lotus Exige VF3

Nothing special. Laps 4-7 on first day with the DriversEdge at TWS. Only 2nd time out there, just about have the track down enough I can start fixing the lin…



hpimola says:

nice driving, i plan on going out there end of june. this should help.

Brian Kircher says:

lol, the top time is whatever the current lap is. If you notice it goes
from lap 5 to lap 6 when the time changes. ie, lap 5 was a 2:21, lap 6 is a
2:02. I even commented it was a train lap in the video, that is about the
only way I could run a 2:20+ out there.

MasterApex1 says:

I plan to buy this data acquisition tool so want to learn more. I noticed
from segment time 4:38 – 4:39, lap 5, the stopwatch was at 2:21:xx but then
it became 2:02 once it crossed the start/finish line. Is this a typical
software error? seems like a major error for software to report 2:02 when
it was more like 2:22 laptime?

tifosibrotha says:

Good job man! Looks like that car is a lot of FUN!!!!

Lotus Exige says:

Hi, Nice video, great editing. I am curious about your Vision Function kit.
Which one do you have? What kind of power do you think you have? Any heat
soak issues on the track? Any downside about this kit? I have the same car
in NA and I am thinking of upgrading to SC, but which kit??? Thanks and
congrats for smooth driving.

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