Red Tiger Lotus Nymphaea zenkeri. Species Sunday How To keep Red Tiger Lotus

Red Tiger Lotus Nymphaea zenkeri. Species Sunday How To keep Red Tiger Lotus (When I can get them in, Red Tiger Lotus go like …



Shireen Sudhakaran says:

You should try planting some of the lilies and lotus in your pond, in your

Peach says:

I was wondering if you could show us if there is a way to split the
nymphaea when they have huge root systems. Maybe show us the way to prune
them properly for good growth( not that they need it) I have 2 in my 40
gallon breeder tank I started from bulbs, one has stayed 5 inches tall and
keeps filling out with new growth. The other one grows to the top and
beyond, I started pruning the long leaves(one was almost as tall as I am)
and it didn’t seem to hurt it much.
I’m still kind of a noobie as far as live aquarium plants go,(I have a
green thumb in the garden and wanted to expand that all year long)
I was wondering about a hair brained idea I had and am thinking of trying.
Would using a small amount of dirt in a teabag/coffee filter work under the
plant like root tabs? I don’t want to entirely commit to a fully dirted
tank yet. Atm I’m using Floramax substrate and dosing Api Leaf Zone, but I
know this isn’t enough for getting my tank “booming” like yours.
I’m also scared of substrate that can’t be moved around, that anaerobic
word is scaring me a bit maybe you can do a video on it? Your videos are
more helpful to me then regular research 🙂
Sorry that I rambled on a bit, lol.

Bob Turner says:

do you buryy the bulb or leave him half outta the substrate? because ive
heard you shouldnt bury them?

TexasTerror911 says:

how do you trim it? Thanks!

drecklia says:

I got mine from a bulb. Didn’t sprout for months and suddenly it was all
over the place. I have a nearly clear bottom tank so I can say substrate is

Dustin's Fish Tanks says:

@samuelwaynefoleyjr I would believe that bright lights could keep it lower.
that is the case with most plants…or some anyway…

fabihanski says:

How fast does a red tiger loutus grow because mine grows about 1 new leaf a
week and the leaves then don’t mature for a month and it’s staying VERRY
low how long does it take for a tiger loutus to grow surface leaves

zakartaz says:

Hey, Do you have any trident for sale?

thecubanknightanole says:

I left heavily planted tanks for African cichlids

JamieT96 says:

@Dustinsfishtanks 120 gallon

DrSoez says:

With this plant if you let it touch the top it will only grow leaves to the
top, if you want it to stay under water – trim it, it will also get more
“bushy” with trimming, they grow like weeds lol i have tons of these –
also: high light will appear more red, low light mor eof a tan/pink even
had some turn green on me from low light. usually like 1-2 new shoots leafs
produced a week with no co2 and good substrate

MriBackup says:

Your jungle is kick-ass

AquariumDude25 says:

I got some of this from those variety bulb packs from petsmart and it is
growing like crazy and extemely red. I dont have plant substrate just

drake3339 says:

you always leave bulbs on top of substrate

Nick Longoni says:

what kind of snails are those?

zakartaz says:

@Dustinsfishtanks ok will do this weekend.

finn niko says:

B utiful plant

Utubeanimalguy says:

Do you bury the bulb or leave the bulb partially exposed?

JamieT96 says:

Hi, I was thinking about adding supplements to my tank because I want to
grow the shit out of my plants and I was thinking about adding iron but
what do you think?

Dustin's Fish Tanks says:

@zakartaz yeah, its on my dustinsfishtanks com site. Its not cheap but its
worth every penny, and I have it at market price…. hit me up

AquaMarine Crayon says:

I got lucky and I got a good bulb, so stoked cuz there’s some nice resist
purple sprouts coming out the top

Dustin's Fish Tanks says:

@MriBackup thanks… its really starting to dominate…glad you like it!

fabihanski says:

@myfisharecool Hurry the bulb but be carefully and don’t break the bulb
it’s VERRY brittle

Dustin's Fish Tanks says:

@DrSoez Great stuff man…. I am glad to hear this…its a super favorite
of mine….Im gonna start cutting mine back…

myfisharecool says:

Hi, I have just purchased a red tiger lotus and wondering whether you have
to bury the bulb? Because mine came with a bulb attached to the plant…

roydooms says:

@theaquariumkid: maybe you didn’t have enough light and co2. Iron maybe.
Most plants than are reddish in color when under a not-so-high light, will
turn green. It’s not that it’s dying, it’s just requires that high light to
keep the reddish color

Wayne's Fish World says:

@samuelwaynefoleyjr yeah crpts stay low in bright lights don’t they?

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