How to set up your tattoo machine [HD]

How to set up your tattoo machine [HD] and remember to subscribe.



Hellhound30x says:

I used to think professional tattoo artists were just smug people in
general with a chip on their shoulder. I’ve seen what amateurs can do…
scarring the flesh, to just scratching the surface…
if you’re going to do this read up, and be safe. Be sanitary above all
Go with disposable tubes and gripes… I can’t stress this enough.
…especially if you’re just learning…

Connor Kingy King says:

I feel mine trying but still not working 

Hellhound30x says:

If you can’t figure out the simplicity of a tattoo machine, then perhaps
you should re think things… 

MrJol13 says:

imagine how sexy this girl is!!!! what tattoo setup? damn sexy

Peter Tosh says:

Thank you for the tutorial baby and wonderful voice.

Samuel Flyinghorse says:

and here I thought… “RS” meant… Really Simple, like I am. 😛
Here I been workin’ on myself with a Shader when instead I shoulda been
using a Liner!! 😛
Love it. Everyone starts somewhere and I love my lil’ Pirate kit.
A friend sent some frames and I slowly, carefully wrapped some coils and
soldered on the capacitors etc. I love it.

K Jean says:

one of the very few people who on you tube have shown how to exactly and
correctly how to set it up. Well done chick you are smart and know what you
are doing! Much respect!

Irma Rivera says:

so should i always keep it at 9.0 for the power supply?

phil clinton says:

your a life saver, lol too bad amazon sent me a new machine for free before
I watched this and found out that the top gold piece should be touching the
spring board!!!! free machine!!!! yesssss!!!!

Jeff Kraft says:

Now tattoo your faces kids!!

julscaptured says:

Very nice info

mike bloodofodin says:

are u twelve? you should nt be tattooing yet young lady lol

Camp Boss says:

very nice tutorial, and very cute voice

michelle xiao says:

How to set up your tattoo machine [HD]

sami meazi says:

Nice video and nice voice, but a little bit far for camera! 

JNaoRei says:

Holy shit, I was basically just sitting here, nodding like a maniac, when
you got to the point “most of you wonder why it still doesn´t work”. Haha
like I was watching a series and the suspisions killed me XD

mike bloodofodin says:

Two holes lol

gabriel gardner says:

I just received my carver rotary- 4 machine kit and I love it! It was very
affordable and you can’t beat the amount of supplies that came with it

JackMcHawk says:

Cute munchkin voice.

Oscar Hermosilli says:


cheryl MECHLING says:

i see someone stated if people from prison can do it ,anyone can , hu.
people from prison have years on years to perfect skills. they compulse in
one technique till it is flawless. thats why they call them pro;s of cons.
hello !!!!!

Solowizard says:

I love the way she said nipple.

Brian Ward says:

You might want to cover sterilization and cross Contamination before you
get people out here buying tattoo equipment and tattooing each other
without an apprenticeship which is the preferred method to learn how to

harrell093 says:

Thank u so much video was very helpful don’t know wat i would have done
without u

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