How to Do the Lotus Pose

How to Do the Lotus Pose

Watch more How to Do Yoga Poses videos: The Lotus Pose is one of the classic seated meditative …



Gatica says:

How do you reach the flexibility to achieve this position at all? what are
some good exercises and positions to do to help hip and knee flexibility? I
can’t even cross my darn legs :C

Chris Masters says:

So relaxing

mytube1349 says:

you got thumbs down but you’re exactly right. she is doing it wrong, both
knees should rest on the ground. its not a huge deal if you’re flexible but
don’t make a habit of it. if you aren’t flexible, you can really mess up
your knees, badly.

Linus Vestin says:

Thats what ad-blocker is for 😉

TenTonTommy777 says:

@mopo112 you should focus on limbering your ankles doin the diamond pose!
you see japanese people doing that constantly…you sit on your knees with
your buttocks resting on your heels and the upside of your feet flat to the will feel it’s stretch and might hurt so work your way up in
secs and/or minutes…i had the same prob like…it really works and size
doesn’t not matter i’m 6ft 4 😉

MichelleSeven says:

okay, that i can do =) can not everyone do that? hmm..?

sloppymantis says:

@KaisWOWBand indeed that is more accurate

sloppymantis says:

hahaha you sound like a friend of mine..By the way I just got in from work
and am in a great mood and so i want to share that with you! Have an
awesome night CHixxie!

Jan Tamase says:

Try bboying/Breakdancing its like yoga..but more hard work 🙂 haha

SJamesGray says:

Only do it like the video says if you are female. If you are male, the left
foot should go on the right thigh first, so that the legs are reversed.
This is for subtle energy body purposes. Also, cosmic mudra is much more
comfortable for the hands. Look up zazen for that.

laoguybrian54 says:

you have to keep doing it so you will get used to it

blueberryblast1 says:

do you know how I could get my legs more flexible?? I can do about three
quarters of the pose, pulling my left leg quite high but it hurts so I
can’t bring it up to my thigh. If you have any advice that’d be great! xx

ABlaqkFirelnside says:

Try this website h ttp://

K9girl29 says:

ohhh man tt was heaven V.V

wrobe00011 says:

I got this in my 1st try no practice! haha!! its so easy!! hahaha..

Fixdal says:

@jostpuur lol yes

Fixdal says:

@DoopaLoopa hello Mr. Loopa. Did we get off on the wrong foot here? Was it
that I didnt reccomend the meditation techniques? Lets have a coversation.
Your, friend, Fixdal.

misty ketchum says:

i did this for 3 hours 53 min!

genericusername337 says:

@DeepAstralJourneys okay? its purpose wasn’t to tell you the significance
of yoga in its religious context

Fixdal says:

@mopo112 there is a very good book called Becoming the Lotus on

jaymosen says:

@DoopaLoopa lol im sure you know all about huffing gasoline…so thats how
YOU “transcendetally masturbate” as you say? thats probably how you get
your middle school style trollin ideas too. seriously you couldnt be a day
over 12, you gay little boy. DoopaLoopa….ROFL!!! thats obviously a faggot
little trolls name if i ever heard of one! all you can think of is things
going up peoples asses??

fabe1089 says:

This LOOKS so easy that I would think if someone were somewhat flexible,
they could achieve it. Boy am I wrong. When I try it, I look ridiculous. I
have one foot already on a thigh, but yet I have to move that other leg
without disturbing said foot? What sorcery is this?

TheQuyenChannel says:

it’s so easy 😛

Andrea Quitoriano says:

this hurts -_-‘

IFishyI says:

my leg does not bend like that 🙁

Sylphadora says:

Today I managed to do this for the first time. Yay!! =D I still can’t hold
it for long because I feel a lot of strain in my feet, but I till now, I
wasn’t able to do this pose since I was a little kid, so I’m chuffed ^^

349410 says:

i can do this with no hands XD

MrCoolpersondude says:

This pose hurts my lower body.

SpoonsForks says:

@FoxHound212 plural? lol you mean woman….

crittoprrr says:

@appleofmypie Hamstring flexibility isn’t required for Lotus. I wish I
could do it, I find it really difficult.

daniel miller says:

@sakeynii do seated wide leg forward fold and do it every day

shion255 says:

no, palms down is no good. a few minutes still will prove it

Sylphadora says:

Sorry to reply so, so late, but I never got a notification of your message
and I just read it! Well, I do a lot of hip opening poses in Bikram like
Bikram’s triangle and tree pose. I do lotus like this: I sit with one leg
very stretched and the foot in flex, I grab the other foot and then curve
my spine a little bit and tilt backwards as if I were going to lie down
(like pointing with the coxis to the front).

stsober says:

i prefer the silence to the squawking bird and the midi gong that went on
throughout the last two similar videos i watched

Alicia Wear says:

ooooo ive been doing this in pre-k had no idea what this was

MF_rogue says:

they are showing only root chakra release…..

AmnistY21 says:

yeah ,it would be relaxing if i could do it …it’s a lot harder than it
seems and if you ‘re not working regularly it’s almost mission impossible

banananaXDjedward says:

@Sakeynii I gotta felxablity video on my channel but its more for
gymnastics but might help hip flexibility !

Jarenjang says:

i can hardly get my left foot over.. i thought you were gonna show us some
progressive stretches that’ll eventually lead up to it =(

h0nk3yt0nk says:

Freak flexibility

jostpuur says:

But how do you follow these steps, if you don’t have enough flexibility to
follow these steps???

jaymosen says:

@DoopaLoopa ROFL!! wow! so u dont like that book? that psychotic rant
seriously had me busting up for like 2 minutes strait!

bumper3000 says:

knees should touch the floor

appleofmypie says:

I loled at the warning cause i first did this pose when i was like 5 and
have been able to ever since. I can snap into it without using my hands,
and can fold in half when i do it. still cant touch my toes though xP

Daniel Gonzalez says:

my knee always fucking comes up i am so frustrated

Alessandro Fin says:

@sloppymantis actually made it profitable so it can still exist. 30 sec is
not a lot time for free service 🙂

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