GRAN TURISMO 5 – HOW TO GOLD: Lotus Elise Top Gear Challenge w/Hints and Tips

GRAN TURISMO 5 – HOW TO GOLD: Lotus Elise Top Gear Challenge w/Hints and Tips

First up, sorry about the poor video quality. HINTS AND TIPS: Ok, so for those who can’t seem to get gold on the Top Gear Lotus Elise challenge here’s how to…



evothumper says:

In every one of these videos the guy hits other cars, cuts the course, and
knocks over cones. If I do any of those, if I even touch not bump another
car I get diqualified. And why the fuck do I get disqualified if a car hits

Kev Dog says:

Just got 4th driving Carefully with a wheel with 3 traction control and 1
abs. Now time to go full throttle and knock them around a bit. Definatly
possible to get 1st with wheel though

LeviathanAU says:

@SilentHill201 First, AGREED! Second, i have my speed display set to KPH.
Third, this was done a few weeks after the release of the game so it MAY
have been disabled in a update or something. Hope that helped!

Lonewolf26X says:

Thank you for your advise. I finally beat this. Won by 0.008s 4 tries with
LeviathanAU’s video watched 40-50 failures before that. ASM ON Skid Control
On TCS 5 ABS 1

zKDredrick says:

And before someone bitches at me, no I’m not slamming LeviathanAU, he
plainly says he used the aids, and he’s not boasting, he’s trying to tell
other people how to do it easily.

granturismoexpert says:

the easiest one is advanced, second or first this one the other being the
so called easy

Joris De Wílde says:

ive got it in 10tries =D with controller ^^

Scaura90 says:

everytime i get a good race going the AI spins in front of me and i end up
hitting them…i could cry real tears!

TheAudiTTfan says:

Fantastic driving! I still can’t do it with a wheel…trying it with a
controlller 😀

Erick G says:

@johanhummer9 Well what do you want, some cookies?

Adrian Recil says:

this is great, thanks a lot!

Bruno Dias says:

bro how much yu put it for traction control and for the abs??

dr_good says:

Did it with many controls ON as you said THANK YOU ^^

LeviathanAU says:

@HighTEKofficial Controller makes it so much easier.

Glenn Piercey says:

I get disqualified if touch any cone, touch any grass or red/white section
and if a car bumps me.

Project Symbiosis says:

listen to Adam Sandler – Piece of SHIT car, it really bring out the emotion
im feeling right now

NL_Bumblebee says:

@18carNASCAR it’s not really that difficult; did it for a friend of mine in
2-3 attempts

Elliott Clark says:

obviously filmed using a pumpkin

windysid12 says:

@AvatarVidsFan SRF TCS ABS?????? :L

anast4ever13 says:

with you settings i had 2 secs difference from second i got it with the
second try!!! thank you so much

TeamLotusGT5 says:

Seriously I have no idea why people cry over this.

zKDredrick says:

@samyooljackson Your mother.

DaveyBoyEssexUK says:

i was past the lead car at the 2nd corner of lap 2

SaVaGe24 says:

I beat this with all driving aids off but it took some time.

PAPO1990 says:

Thanks man, the tip to turn on all assists was probably the biggest help.

xXcodplayaXx96 says:

it took me 100 trys :s

halorunescaper says:

How did you go through the cones? If the AI hits one into the middle of the
track and I can’t avoid it it dqs me

samyooljackson says:

@zKDredrick Wow grow up, it’s a game. Quit acting like you’re the greatest
racer on Earth. Get off you’re high horse, because you sir are a pathetic
excuse for a human being. Calm your ass down and quit criticizing other
people, if you can win gold in this and every race in the entire game
without any aids, congratulations. You’re a star. But please stop acting
like some elite racing connoisseur. And learn to spell, it’s “skid” not

William Ekornsæter says:

Fuck this challenge.. Fuck it.

pornmeister75 says:

WHY OH WHY must this race be done on street tyre’s ????? WTF its like
driving on ICE

Chiliplease says:

That shit’s hard. I can’t even get bronze. Every time I even look at
another car, I get DQ’ed. It’s fuckin’ bullshit.

LeviathanAU says:

@cordobe1 I didn’t get them anywhere. I figured them out myself through
experimentation and what i felt was a drivable setting for me. Change up
the values and see what suits you.

soupdragon151 says:

I didn’t use ASM the car is stable enough, it just has a massive amount of
understeer. I set Active Steering to Mild for a little sliding or Strong
for no sliding at all (which I found slower). Otherwise the same settings
as yours: skid recovery, dial up TC and ABS. Second, practise taking the
correct lines through the corners with the Samba Van race first. You’ll
find this MUCH easier after you’ve golded that race.

mysteaksauceispoppin says:

at 2:52 one time all i did was barely clip the grass and got disqaulified

Joris De Wílde says:

@LeviathanAU indeed i still prefer a controller over a wheel.. don’t know

JJTheBigDog says:

anyone could do it with a wheel? i always loose control…

Vebri Valentino says:

So a car bumped me from behind…I get disqualified..mother*******

Gia Zveriachvili says:

it’s terrible to drive this car in the game

guitarrmasta says:

@18carNASCAR dude come on its not that hard… in case you still havent
made it, theres a badass shortcut in the first turn you can use, just go
left in the lined area without hitting the cone, that can save you like 3
seconds. it got me from 12th to 6th position at the beggining of the race

WayfstrthnU says:

From what I heard, the reason the handling of the Lotus is so crappy in GT5
might be because one of the programmers forgot to program downforce for the
car. Considering how much work and time Polyphony Digital put into the
game, it seems silly that they’d make such a grave error. If this is one of
the deluxe cars, even moreso how much of a fail this is (then again, it
would make sense they’d get careless on the underwhelming regular cars)

wokeupthismorning100 says:

FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU I love GT5 but some of these challenges makes me think
“WTF was Kazunori thinking? I’m not a bad driver but I’m sure as hell not
The Stig.” :/

azrael894 says:

YEEesSSs!!! lol

cordobe1 says:

@LeviathanAU Thank you very much! try to test various configurations to
pass this track .-

Matthew Carriveau says:


BlacksmithVRS says:

Dude, thank you very much for your tips, it was just what i needed to
accomplish this shit challenge, although i love and respect very much the
Elise. You can count that i have shitted my pants in the end also, it was a
very thrilling ride! Thank you once more, and lets meet someday PSN

Aurimas Cebis says:

I was second after first lap.. And I did not use SRF or TCS… :/ Only ABS
1. 🙂

FruitPatrol says:

i over took 1st at last corner with ease, Drive Aggressive !

Calum White says:

This is probably one of the hardest challenges in the game. Tip: Try
turning on the Skid Recovery Force, helped me LOADS.

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