Buckethead – Lotus Island (cover)

Buckethead – Lotus Island (cover)

i don’t really know this song so i kinda just winged it. forgive my mistakes! hope you like it! *guitar geek alert* somewhat retiring my microcube, gonna use…



RockandMetal645 says:

I want a 7 string ._.

youngnigga23full says:


Matthew Lisenby says:

I was thiniking aboot getting the lunchbox amp, should i?

Redclay0 says:

@kittykitty21 great…

TheSkinremoval says:

nice one mate!! enjoyed it!

josephbot6 says:

@Timotheedle LOL thanks!! yes, always soldering, always

Redclay0 says:

nice cover lutos by buckethead^^

culodegrasa says:

Have you the tabs?

Joris Boulet says:

you should get a small bucket , and maybe an eye patch (or something like
that ), nice cover , amazing!

Timotheedle says:

@josephbot6 at least you didn’t hide under the carpet in response—haha
sweet cover as usual. doing some soldering fun there too?

Tom Connolly says:

No…When Bucket played it live at the Fox Theatre in 08 he used his
standard Les Paul 6 string

premier210 says:

Any tabs for that? 😀 And what tuning? 😀 And good cover there too!

Jonathan Y says:

your tone is awesome!!!!

Lorence Bako says:

@larvutza its played on a 6 by buckethead.

larvutza says:

stupid question.. is this song played on 7 string guitar only?

Kasey Pettit says:

@josephbot6 hey dude, did you make a tab for this? :O or did you get it
online? cause im trying to work this song out by ear, but i cant, too hard
for ear. and the tabs online suck that ive found.

Carlos Felipe Martinez Ocampo says:

great cover men,,,,,, i have a question,,,, when are you gonna do cruel
reality of nature or captain eo’s voyage???

Antonito1Tonito says:

You deserve more views, awesome cover !

jpforestry says:

very good!

pyrokid1995 says:

I think this is pretty badass.

Dust0fNation says:

what delay you use? is that doted 8?

iDerpy says:

@culodegrasa go to ultimate guitar. c o m, no spaces and they will give you
the tabs

josephbot6 says:

@kittykitty21 ROFL STOP!

hung low says:


Dust0fNation says:

great cover man, what tab did you use? i rly wana learn this!!!

kittykitty21 says:

hey joseph, what kind of guitar do you use? is that like a…distortion
pedal? oh man, that is so kewll. where’d you get the strap at? is it

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