redneck repair 97 lincoln continental motor – one cylinder misfiring Davidsfarmison[bliptv]now

redneck repair 97 lincoln continental motor –  one cylinder misfiring Davidsfarmison[bliptv]now

redneck repair 97 lincoln continental motor – one cylinder misfiring Davidsfarmison[bliptv]now.



jose5080007 says:

Is this the dude from davidsfarm

jose5080007 says:

@chughes376 You have a great channel I wish I could come to Canada and see
the farm

kyle2727007 says:

Thanks Alot! I have the same Lincoln with the same problem! FIXED!

thomas tracy says:

id buy that lol

chughes376 says:

@jose5080007 Yea Dave’s new channel is ‘davidsfarmlives’ !

chughes376 says:

@jose5080007 Take a minute to read my channel description plz

121ego says:

Thanks Dave. It was inspirational, for I have a Pontiac Trans Sport 94 that
only misfires in the morning – 7 min – and then is Ok. Checked all vaccumm
lines, filter housing gasket, etc and still does it. EGR maybe? Can you
DW40ed it with a shot INSIDE the valve, without ruining it? Or should I
look into the Distributor, rotor and spark & cables first? Any suggestions
will be well accepted. btw, How much you want for the Lumina (Pontiac) that
shows up a little @ 3:47?

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