Lincoln Town car driver seat not tilting free fix

Lincoln Town car driver seat not tilting free fix

Hi this video will show you how to fix your seat if it’s not folding if it’s not tilting,, free fix DIY



Leonard Hogan says:

What if the seat won’t move front to back but you can hear the motor clicking

Michael Riggins says:

My seat back works fine but I am having a problem with the seat bottom. It wont tilt back, it tilts forward fine, just not back. same fix?

mraiwa1000 says:

What to do when the seat track gears wear out? Where can I get new ones?

Jerry Junior says:

Do you happen to know the name of this part ? Mines need replaced but I can't find it anywhere other than junk yard because I don't know the actual name. The bottom seat motor comes back on most

Menace says:

So we cant do it manually at all we have to do all that ?i just want it to set up right

Matt Hess says:

Mine tilts forwards but not back so I assume that cable is still connected. How would you recommend fixing that?

thisguy fromyoutubesaid says:

How did you take the seat out was it just those 2 front bolts? Because most seats have 4

Rugged Rick Rude says:

How about if the driver seat will not slide forward or backwards…..I can hear the clicking or ticking noice when I try to move it


Thank you! had this exact problem with mine. although i am unsure if the motor still works. Will have to listen tomorrow.
but either way this is very helpful.

Curtis Nash says:

My seat won’t slide forward or back, now I have discovered the seat rails are rather rusted, my body shop guy thinks I should pb blaster in and let it sit for a couple days before getting crazy ridiculous with the parts/repair,what do you think, 04 Lincoln town car ultimate?

Aventura Bay Cell says:

Will this work on a 97 C.V . My moter my of born out .

Austin Saathoff says:

Does you know where I can find a replacement for that side motor? Bought the wrong one apparently in an attempt to fix back rest.

Gregory Turner says:

I've got a 1999 Lincoln TC and my seats won't slide back but I hear the motor would it be one of those three components you showed underneath the seat ?

Jeshua Barth says:

This was my problem to the T! I had been driving with my seat reclined almost all the way back for about a year and a half. Thanks a ton Brotha.

Jason Boisclair says:

How about if you're still make no noise how can you test it or fix it or at least till the seat back a little bit

Eddie Abdallah says:

Is it easy to take the motor out and put a new one in ?
My Ford crown Victoria the motor just stopped working for the tilt only.
If you would help appreciate it

Temporal Reciprocity says:

Thanks, you the man

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