How to Fix P2196 & P2198 Codes (Ford F150) #autorepairtips #mechanic #ford #f150 #cya

How to Fix P2196 & P2198 Codes (Ford F150) #autorepairtips #mechanic #ford #f150 #cya

Watch NZ discuss how he resolved fault codes P2196 & P2198 on a 2012 Ford F150

Enjoy & remember-
If your gonna do it, DO IT RIGHT!

Thank you for all the continuing support! We appreciate it! #CYA
-NZ & family

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Due to factors beyond the control of NZ Diagnostics, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or
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@carysmith6105 says:

Stepping it up with the mic. Great video.

@gregabrams4838 says:

Awesome vid

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