#1 WinPython – installing, saving & loading

#1 WinPython – installing, saving & loading

This is the 1st video in the series ‘Python for Windows’, from Lincoln Central. In this tutorial I show you how to download and install ‘WinPython’, a Window…



Kedvra55 says:

Thank you for this very clear and useful tutorial !

Peter Farrell says:

Very clear, detailed instructions that work perfectly! I’m having a great
experience with WinPython so far. So much good stuff pre-bundled, from
Spyder to IPython and QtDesigner (with icons, unlike Anaconda). But
especially: Visual Python! Thank you for the tutorial.

Lincoln Central says:

new from Speed Coding on Lincoln Central
lesson #1 WinPython – Python for Windows
installing, saving & loading

sachin singh says:

thank you. i’m jumping into a data mining course and you’re videos are
helping me catchup on the basics of python.

D Kay says:

your python video was so helpful. your pedagogical skills are so spot on.
can’t wait for the next videos.

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