Restoring leather on a Lexus unbelievable results #lexus #leather

Restoring leather on a Lexus unbelievable results #lexus #leather

Permanently restoring leather on a Lexus follow my channel for more



Angel says:

Wherecan I buy the paint

Roor Organek says:

the secret is an $80 air pump WITH airbrush kit from Harbor Freight. No matter how you mix with a spatula, air infused paint can be “layered” on, which makes it look new.
Permatex has a great plug in mini iron that works great for grain. Also seen certain DAP silicone being used as filler.

RH_312 says:

What type of sand paper is that? And how many coats do you put?

Brittney Renfro says:

That was amazing.

Muhammadali tariq says:

I have same color

Jose Daruich says:

Does anyone know the name of the product ? I have the same problem thank you

Peter Ricoy says:

Thanks What type of paint??

Tray’C says:

Hi Where can i get the white cream you use and what is it name please.

Pinay Trucker GIRL USA says:

Wow unbelievable! I need to restore my 20 yr old maserati car seat!

nader shakaa says:

What are the materials used?

Jeff Stone says:

What spray and color is this? I have a Lexus that needs some of this, looks like the same color.

jamal khan says:

Ive seen others , sand the white stuff (leather filler i guess ) then let it dry .. then spray it .. then seal it..
i think this is for youtube shorts .
good job

evks82 says:

how much they typically charge for this i have an mdx with same problem?

Daniel Preda says:

What substance is this white?

Perl of Asia says:

a seat or dashboard or back seat is not so important, you can have it done individually. what is important is the engine and how many kilometers the car has already clocked up!

….goooooooood jooooob!!!

Jeff Collins says:


Jacob Lapoint says:

And that folks is why people despise used car salesman. Why fix it right when you can hide it, pawn the car off on some young kid who doesn't know shit from Apple butter and then his parents will have to pay to fix it right.

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