Lexus Oil Change DIY IS300 Turbo

Lexus Oil Change DIY IS300 Turbo

Lexus IS300 Basic Oil Change (Oil & Filter) —————————————————————————————————————–…



redmasc says:

No that wasn’t sarcasm. I got the car not too long ago and was wondering where it was located. Thought it was on the bottom somewhere.

djspock5150 says:

Sarcasm? I forgot to suggest when you pull the oil filter have a plastic bag ready to catch the filter saves a huge mess.

redmasc says:

Thanks for the video upload. Was wondering where the oil filter is located.

nuttimilk says:

Awesome, I’m getting this car tomorrow. First time owning a car so I need to learn all this 🙂 Could you do some more vids on properly maintaining IS300? I’ve been going through forum but videos > bunch of pics 🙂

djspock5150 says:

I will eventually, to be honest on this car if you are using 91 you should not have to.

ridgers84 says:

Great video dude. Helped me a lot. Could you please make a video of the fuel filter change? I want to have a go at doing it myself??

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