Lexus key fob fix no key cuts required

Lexus key fob fix no key cuts required

Lexus Toyota key fob fixed with old key. This particular key is for a 2006 Lexus RX330 but many Toyota’s and Lexus’ use this key fob design. Toyota keys are fairly cheap to cut but Lexus keys are pricey however this video demonstrates how to completely fix it for $8 total.



Justin Moseley says:

I just twisted mine until the metal key came out. The plastic on Lexus keys is so weak it broke almost instantly. No chisel needed. Highly recommend Yotamd if you want a new high quality case that will never break.

Aram Poladyan says:

like for the kid who asked so kindly 🙂

Gregory Reid says:

Just did this with my 2001 GS300 keys and it came out perfect. Only difference I used a small grinding bit instead of a chisel. Thanks for the video. Side note: They wanted to charge me $260 to cut my 2 blank keys.

GrandCanyonTourHelicopter says:

Good video…I would have tried to trim the old metal key to fit in the new case – removing plastic from the new case would make it weaker.

TheNomie61 says:

U just helped me a whole lot

Christopher Nguyen says:

Thank you very much. I'll need some help to do a skilled drilling of the Dremel

Duke107 says:

God bless u bro u save me a couple hundred

dynamohums says:

Lovely contributions from your son :). And useful info too (I've an LS400 fob I need to sort out).


Thankyou mate,very helpful

Enes Dugme says:

Lovely. Thank you for the help.

Iron Road says:

Great video, thanks (a future cinematographer in the making)

bikephil says:

By the time I try all that my original AND new key will be destroyed. Just spend the $50 and get the blank programmed.

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