Oil leak Discovery 2 Land Rover 2001

Oil leak Discovery 2 Land Rover 2001

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.



Land Rover says:

@ridge: It’s not looking to good… But I figure I might as well do the oil
pump and timing while I’m in there. I am more concerned about the potential
HG issue.

joe charbonneau says:

Oil cooler line connections?

Land Rover says:

Might be oil cooler lines… Not sure yet. I’m planning on doing a new
front cover seal, head gaskets, have the heads machined, oil pump, timing
chain and sprockets, oil pan seal (clean the pan too). Any other thoughts
of what else to do while its open?

Land Rover says:

This is the before video. I did spray the whole thing down and I spent
about an hr at the car wash spraying and scrubbing. Its way better (shiny)
now in most of the engine! However I’m leaking P/S fluid too… From the
gear box. 🙁

joe charbonneau says:

Spray the whole thing down with engine de-greaser then look for the leak.
My theory is if its a Head gasket or front cover. You might as well go
through all the gaskets and get it done right the first time.

joe charbonneau says:

Buy the whole gasket kit and do it all. It’s harder to take that front
cover off than it is to do the HG’s….

Rod Scherencel says:

bummuh. I hope it’s a simple fix and not a re-build!

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