Spanish Hailstorm Hits Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder

Spanish Hailstorm Hits Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder

A torrential hailstorm in Spain has caused millions of euros in damage including a balloon white Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder parked outside on the road. Many…



Dominico97 says:

ha, We almost have the same name

dominico88 says:

I dont understand??
What was i meant to be watching?
Weather (small hail) a road, a car and a house?
Please explain.

letterpool says:

whats on the hood pillows? wtf

Paul Smith says:

i dont get it, what is hured?

myrdeklier says:

i see youtube vids from people that are getting hured in this storm,,,,who fucking cares about that stupid lambo then…

Ognyan la says:

Who cares!

Gyuneyt Kyorsalif says:

as i see you a rich guy , dont worry im sire you got moneys for repair or for 2 lambo 🙂

PaulsVideoNetwork says:

i got a garage, but was just too lazy to put it in there.

videochulo says:

and close to madrid and next to a lake.

Nomack Dante says:

X6, Lambo, private pool, big house, and… no garage ?

potnoodleman81 says:

I very doubt this youtube uploader owns that Lambo

ninjapleaz says:

Where’s the picture of the stupid car after the storm? I call bullshit.

jdwaynes1980 says:

7 people in the world are upset about this. The owner of the vehicle, and 6 kids in Kenya who can’t watch the video because of slow internet speeds.

CopperLincoln says:

LOL… That hail couldn’t break paper. I’ve seen cars in golf ball sized hail storms and not have a single dent. I think someone just wanted to show their neighbor has a cool car.

Eric Baker says:

All that money for that house and buy a lambo but don’t even have a garage or spent the extra cash for the car cover from lambo

TURST67 says:

Cars are made to resist to things like this (High elastic limit)

minatormyth says:

London is full of supercars that don’t have garages

striker058 says:

Yes! he can afford that car but not a garage lol

isitchicken says:

They’re only tiddlers. In Australia we have hail the size of beach balls and just one will fuck your car up permanent like.

vididdychannel says:

global warming….

LuisViz11 says:

Bonita choza

Nacktmull2012 says:

why store the car in a garage, when you could make cool yt-videos…

L deDEMO says:

comparte un garaje

Paul Smith says:

ty! 🙂

Gnepiah says:

gtspirit . com/2013/07/21/video-spanish-hailstorm-hits-lamborghini-gallardo-spyder/

Erick Olivares says:

nice house tho

pallus says:

que bien viven algunos!!

Catalin Stetco says:

with all the pollution going on…what did you expect?

Ian Henderson says:

Try being out on a boat in it … !

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