Rebuilding A Wrecked Lamborghini Aventador SV Part 16

Rebuilding A Wrecked Lamborghini Aventador SV Part 16

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Laurent Ge says:

Why no Gintani exhaust???

Stephen Thompson says:

Get a hair cut ya look ridiculous

Jim Sullivan says:

I'm going to predict your neighbors are going to shut you down for disturbing the peace. Then what?

kjone terrr says:


Jason LeFevre says:

Dang Son ! That exhaust

Overpar73 says:

You guys are killing me with these freebies and extra entries, I'm going to stop ordering stuff right away like I always do and start waiting for these extras!!

Ray Shutsa says:

You guy's have come along way from working out of your parent's garage. The Aventador sounds sick. What a amazing job on all your cars. Can't wait to see the new paint booth. Love your channel and content !!!

Smita says:

I can tell live it will be nothing like through mic's & speakers, but even on speakers I can tell Gintani F1 exhaust is way better, crazy screamer. Maybe they start from the headers, but it sounds better even than this. , It's a bit throaty, I told them to get the Gintani F1 exhaust, they don't read and the know about it for sure.

Gabriel G says:

are u guys going to fix that smoke problem its pretty annoying

K. A says:

Hey man what's the name of that track at 8.53sec ??

curtis wilcock says:

Dang this is crazy life the content guys keep it up

Kirk says:

Gintani is way better

Jeff Ssnderson says:

Content is getting less and less. Trying something different guys, was just posting less.

sijad barry says:

Sick of seeing all the negative comments. Keep up the good work. All the changes they are making is so they don’t give us useless content. They’d guys have to try and live life, help family, build a business build their homes and entertain us all at the same time. Love your work boys

Raul Garcia says:

More videos 1 in 2 weeks is bul

Brandon Monk says:

So let me get this straight. You are uploading 2 Times a week but we only get an extra 10 mins on a video? You might as well just keep the same upload schedule lmao

TheCologneist1 says:

I think its time to unsubscribe

Dee Bee says:

The radiator on the driver's side looks a bit crooked.

john powell says:

Missing my goonzquad content …. where yall at? LoL …

1sick_4.0 says:

What's up with the camaro? Been a while is it almost complete

n says:

I have enjoyed all the car builds and Lambo is sweet . Would love to see your Dad get a new Dodge truck , maybe like using the front clip from the old truck . Those transmission in that year are known to be problems . The newer one that are under the Ram brand is way better . Fiat gave the trucks great transmission. Keep on giving us great shows

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