Mighty Car Mods – How To Change Your Steering Wheel

Mighty Car Mods – How To Change Your Steering Wheel

In this episode of Mighty Car Mods Marty and Moog show you how to install an aftermarket steering wheel in your ride for better awesomeness, updated coolabil…



David McCarron says:

Nice 95 Civic

Bajram Berisa says:

but now you dont have Airbag!!!!!!!

_Brismo says:

what’s the name of that mob that they get those seats from???

okaythen001 says:

question what jobs on a passenger car that would require 1/2 inch drive

Herman Wong says:

so no one cares about airbags right???

Kaden Rudofski says:

My 95 Honda Civic wheel say’s SRS on the steering wheel, that means I have
an airbag right?
How do I install it if I have an airbag?
Or do I even have one?


hey iv heared these wheels bend with little effort is this true iv been
wanting to get one for quit some time now

Russkiy Fox says:

Are there any safety implications with going with a $20 boss hub kit rather
than an $80-$100 momo hub?

Andon Gaming says:

So, i have one simple question: Around 2:39, he says : “leave it on the end
of the screw so your face wont get rearraged.”

So does he mean that once the steering wheel comes off the column, it wont
come flying into your face and hit you because the nut is stopping it OR

Does he mean that if you dont have the screw at the end and you end up
yanking it off, the airbag will go off? Im assuming its the first one cause
he unplugs the airbag cable (it looks like it atleast). So yeah, someone
help me here

supwitit408 says:

so jacking up the car? is it a joke? or is it to make it easier to steer
the wheel to make it straight? O_o

Michael Rawlins says:

Why aren’t you using a steering wheel puller?

KGOZi says:

hey guys i have a question, ive heard if you change to after market
steering wheel you need to change your seat belt? since your looking the
airbag on the wheel i live in canada can anyone confirm?

Alex Paikada says:

i would not trust an after market steering wheel. 

Interceptor810 says:

I just bought a 2007 Mazda 3….and Rake loves it

GEMC says:

Here in Germany this would be illegal -.-

ico9750 says:

Airbag or something?

Joker and the Child says:

Nice video mate. Just what I needed for my 95 civic

Ruben Mendoza says:

imabe laughing when that steering wheel starts bending on the freeway

lexhus says:

Damn that’s one beautiful civic..

Patrick Howard says:

Just got a new wheel and all the other parts but I took out the center that
if came with in the box to put a new one in and now I can’t get the new
center in. Any tips?

Collin Updegraff says:

I’ve got a 1987 z31 (300zx) and theres a bunch of different things being
said about the boss (hub) adapter, so i was wondering if anyone had any
clue about which one i should use?

McLane Hearn says:

No airbag thats scary

dalemah says:

Can you link me to this steering wheel on ebay haha

junjun padilla says:

How about for toyota corolla 2006 model with airbag

Thomas Dransfield says:

Rake loves it! Hahaa XD

dj red hare aus says:

will it fit on my honda 

Richard Ibarra says:

Great video guys! Concise, very easy to understand, and entertaining. Keep
up the great work

Princegopal Survase says:


Nick Cusson says:

Does the horn work?

hudson fox says:

i want to change my steering wheel because its old and worn but i still
want my horn can i use any steering wheel from any car. i have an sc300 and
i just want a steering wheel that comes from lexus off any model

Eddie Adams says:

I have a 98 accord with volume buttons and other switches for the radio on
it, could I jst do the same thing moot and Marty did even with those
buttons? I might sound like an idiot but I’m new to roving just don’t wanna
order a wheel and adapter thing if it won’t work… Thanks in advance

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