[HD]Destroy A Lamborghini Supercar with Hammers in 5 Mins!

[HD]Destroy A Lamborghini Supercar with Hammers in 5 Mins!

The most amazing new science discoveries; flying cars are finally here! http://bit.ly/19B8J1Y It takes some muscle to destroy a muscle car.A team of sledgeha…



joebowen11 says:

Seemingly pathetic display. I weep for the children of those who would
commit such a wasteful act. The only people worse are the ones who spend
the money to buy Lamborghinis in the first place. I’m with Max (below)
Could have saved lives with the money that car could have sold for.

jasmay07 says:

The person responsible for this needs to go suck start a shotgun!!!

tong wang says:

they did that coz the car have a big problem about gasoline tank and the
Lamborghini company reject refund it.

Dawson Fuehrer says:

Just the hood is probably worth about $20,000

강 지훈 says:

this is caise the owner didnt hav good insurence tht would not help him pay
4 something due to engine failure so he got mad

Max Bradz says:

I am horrified at watching this, it says allot about the people doing it.
Why not sell the car its worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and give
the money to charity

Unboxing theV says:

have they ever heard of scrap yard

slaydz765 says:

i got through 0:37… i couldnt bear the monstrosity of this video.. im

Anh Hoàn Dương says:

Because the insurance won’t cover his car. He is angry. So, the chinese
rich. Don’t worry

falloutfiniatic says:

I like to do this through GTA 5…not really in real life…

Billie Acelife says:

Why ??? Why they do this destruction ?

Dalwinder Sidhu says:


408punk says:

its probably a drug dealers car so yeah that justifies this

juan carlos Vazquez says:

WTF !!!!! they love toyota

Legolastheelf Revenge says:

And am crying now

Michael Emmerson says:


Bigbaddude3 says:

Why the hell would someone do this!

ohhKrazy says:

This is car abuse

Dat Ayass says:

Either someones got mad paper or is in jail

Abd Lmounaim Dub step says:

i am sad for the awesome lambo

MonkyWantToPlay Roblox says:

why the hell are they smashing so expensive caar

andreas indra says:

what the fuck ??

sagum govind says:

they dnt hve the guts to make a supercar like italians do,….

Peter Choi says:

I can hear them speaking Japanese

Edgars Tārauds says:

Fucing Japs

alexandros diamantis says:

My girlfriend hit harder

AwesomeGamer328 says:

Fuck u. You stupid Japs how could you do that to that car go destroy one of
your cheap pisses of shit that u all drive

Model Car Shack says:

I like cars to much to watch this…

Asad Somro says:

No No. NO i Can’t Fucking watch this

Garret VanDyke says:

What is wrong with all of u

Stephanie Miller says:

japs need to find something better to do is theis a way of saying screw u
to the us by destroying a awesome car

TheJorgek26 says:

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo youuu mudafuukkkkaaaaaasssss

victor masson says:

Why? They are bitches mother fucked –“They suck dick

Brendan Sheehy says:

I don`t think it would be possible to find out a suitable punishment for
these cunts other than burn for all of eternity

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