DIY Repairing DESTROYED Lamborghini Windshield *EPIC FAIL*

DIY Repairing DESTROYED Lamborghini Windshield  *EPIC FAIL*

2001 Hummer H1 6.5L Turbo Diesel, Originally designed strictly for military use the off-road vehicle was released to the civilian market due to market demand from 1992 – 2006.
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Ablaniki Hyung says:

You should be sponsored by duct tape lol

Steve S says:

You could have used clear heavy duty packing tape.

Anton Slizzardhands says:

What are those guys doing on the computers?

Bas Kramer says:

You should get the Hummer!

Sebatian Rodriguez says:

I love your vids i never stop watching them thank you !

Hyper Sports says:

That's 1 Bad @SS H1…
And Sorry to hear about the Lambo being down Bruddah.

Macaria Cristi says:

shazam won't let me have it

Michael L'Heureux says:

no no no clear gorilla tape mate, any wal-mart sells it!

Fern Dominic Romiro says:

your crew are they pilipino ?

Marshall Hewison says:

Should of done black tape for the windscreen!!

Kx Lee says:

Your vlog is much more better than jake Paul vlog

I'm Undecided says:

I really like your videos, but this total Lamborghini windshield smash is so staged that it really makes me sad. Total stunt to get more attention and followers. I mean what Youtuber hasn't done that. But this is pitiful man come on!

A Bobby says:

Why didn't you use transparent tape??? And any news about the pedestrian crashing your windscreen? This an update most of us are interested in

Kim Pedersen says:

You know you're driving a hummer when you need a zoom-lense on your vlog-cam to film the passenger 🙂


Beautiful car

Bikaz9 says:

Its ridiculous how long that windshield is. When you taped the cracked parts and I was like "damn, how is he gonna drive the rest of the journey with that tape on when he wont see anything?" since it looked like you taped most of the windshield off. And then from inside its just a tiny strip at the bottom of the window that barely interferes with your vision 😀
Looking forward to it beeing repaired.
Oh and that Hummer is nuts. Think its every mans dream to just some day just drive some stupidly large truck like that or a road roller or something else and just run over stuff and have fun. Great video Damon.

vianasberlin says:

Taadaaaa… 😀

Cool Younkers says:

These are literally the same Humvees I️ fix an drive in the Military everyday. They suck

Penadol Killer says:

You didnt need the tape, just drive it like Ace Ventura!

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