Crazy Lamborghini Purchase | Wheeler Dealers

Crazy Lamborghini Purchase | Wheeler Dealers

Mike has put himself in a pickle with this deal, but he may still pull the trigger! | For more Wheeler Dealers, visit…



Unkwon Malaysian Guy says:

James may from top gear got one for under 10k pounds
but the electricyty of the car was shit

TheOptimod says:

I remember once they said they were all about affordable classics. These
newer episodes are nearly all prestige cars. Booooring.

theonewhoisntme says:

lol. can you sell it for 20. no . whyits a Lamborghini 🙂 nice answer.

Nikolass Leduskrasts says:

Its an urraco

Adan Garcia says:

in total it was around 30,000 dollars in USA, I BRING IT here an sale it
for 70,000 what a deal because its a lambo.

Encarni Galan says:

Para cuando un seat 600 español?

Antonis Rammos says:

He so reminds me of me!!!If I like something I just buy it…and then all
hell breaks loose lol

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