AMAZING Remote control Lamborghini Doors

AMAZING Remote control Lamborghini Doors

Open the doors of your Lamborghini with a remote control. You can simultaneously open the left door, right door, or both. Check out for more d…



foshizzle manizzle says:

this could be called a pussy magnet

Baja002 says:

You can install it on pretty much any car… I’ve seen it on Golf 3

Michelangelo Hamato says:

Just don’t press those buttons by mistake now….

The247th says:

I have a one. Its in form of a wallpaper on my screen.

davebatistaaa1 says:

like the original one wasn’t that expensive :D

jph090880 says:

OMG!!! Lambo doors on an actual LAMBORGHINI!!! lol 😛

dontnow100 says:

what does that aux button do then? start the car?

Staunch AS says:

Never? There’s a reason Lambos are Lambos, It’s to distinguish the rich from the poor.

thenid307 says:

About £500 kit and installation varies

RobocopExecutive says:

Sick. I need that on my GenCoupe

Airjazz718 says:

Doors go up… Panties go down

misterlestrade says:

In the year 3013

Nuff Said says:

can i put those on a models legs?

Anthony Wilson says:

The doors on the Lamborghini Gallardo are not vertical, so my question is how much would it cost to have this conversion done to a Lamborghini Gallardo?

strike5677 says:

oh me too how much will it cost if i want to instaled this on my BMW 740i.

Hamisxa says:

hahah I’ve seen a guy do that with the suicide doors!
But the car was parked and a truck was coming up and the idiot opened the doors and the doors got ripped off LOL
Too bad I didn’t record that I’d have millions of views of that dumbass.
and to people who are wondering what car was it….. It was a…… 93 Honda Accord lol

Jorge Estrada says:

around 500-600. because you need buy the module and a unit and the remotes. for around 300-450 + 150-200 for installation

pablo sosa says:

and put neon lights on the bottom of the car

pablo sosa says:

u should

pablo sosa says:

never lol

Aymen Hasan says:

bitch please, these ones are remotely controlled!

Cameron Capps says:

I think I just jizzed in my pants

Francisco Alarcon says:

and it closes too….. ??????

Spelling S.A.N.I.T.Y. says:

i’m only 14 and i’m thinking about doing this on my mustang i got for my birthday

gagan birdi says:

killing me


I see this shit and I’m like damn! Badass….but when will it break…

APEwithSHADES says:

it is now,get one on ebay got 95k plus 5k for shipping

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