Timing Belt & Water Pump Replacement : Water Pump Replacement: Cam Shaft Sprocket

Timing Belt & Water Pump Replacement : Water Pump Replacement: Cam Shaft Sprocket

Carefully remove the car’s cam shaft sprocket before removing the water pump for replacement. Take off a cam shaft sprocket with tips from a certified auto m…



radamacq says:

I can appreciate that this guy is trying to help, but I tried this method
and it cracked the inner timing belt cover. You need to use the special
tool or fabricate one that you can lock the cam sprocket while removing the
bolt- especially on the exh sprocket that is buried behind the strut tower.
Yeah, one broken sprocket and a cracked timing belt cover by trying to cut
corners. I made a tool- works great

sundowner999 says:

I tried this technique on a Toyota 3.0 six cylinder engine and promptly
sheared off the bolt behind the sprocket. I actually ended up making my own
tool as shown in some other videos on Youtube. After getting the sprocket
off, I had to retrieve the end of the bolt left in the engine. Save
yourself some headaches, don’t try this method.

Ian Goebel says:

thanks for the tip!

dunn dunlop says:

So in theory……. i can just switch my cam sprockets backwards and
upgrade my 2.0 to a 2.4. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! THIS IS THE CHEAPEST

lijom82 says:

at 3:52 “They normally are indicated which one is exhaust which one is
crankshaft.” WTF HA HA HA HA HA HA

TheoUW says:

the sprocket wasn’t even touching the socket while he was unbolting. At
least pretend like you’re cracking the bolt loose.

TacticalN8 says:

It is funny how you say to put locktite back on it when you install. But in
the install vid, he doesnt even torque the bolt to spec much less use
locktite. Good video’s for the most part.

weldon0m says:

leftty loosy righty tighty …..good to remeber this one dudes

candle2k says:

Hey, it’s a Stratus! I have that engine in my neon =P

pam lee says:


munoz4415 says:

lol. wow. this guy is a duche. its exhaust and intake not crankshaft. lol

r0sSelLe23 says:

hey man i replaced the water pump on my 93 mercury capri 1.6 dual head cam
it looks just like that engine i messed up the timing on it cuz i forgot to
mark the gear do you mind helping me how to time it send me a message or
something i really would appreaciate it thanks and have a nice day

mysqueeker says:

ooooh, he can come change my timing belt and water pump anytime. ;P

jsimon8585 says:

im getting my Audi’s timing belt fixed right now, also other parts too
since it an interference engine, i saw it’s process and its alot of stuff
to do. It’s like a whole days work.

yo mama says:

u fukup already, no no no sir …

Shirke M says:

That’s why I like rear wheel car. so much easy to replace then front wheel

lucasmorter says:

@sunofsam44 no. switching the sprockets backwards does not change the liter
size of your motor.

candle2k says:

Oh, and the 2.4 is a non interference motor, so you’re not going to run the
valves into the piston

laostaz says:

it was too rofl!!!

jcb1972 says:

Chrysler is some cheap mother fuckers…

Dennis Smith says:

Thank you very much Nathan, this technique worked very well for me on a
Dodge Stratus 2.4L. I used an 8mm deep well socket to hold the sprocket
still and a serpentine belt tool with an 18mm socket on it to break the
sprocket bolt loose in those tight quarters. After that it was smooth
sailing. This was my first time doing a water pump on this engine and I was
totally stumped how to hold the sprocket without the special tool. Thanks

TacticalN8 says:

Leave the belt on, hit the ratchet with a hammer to break it loose. I do it
all the time.

lionfiretx says:

Why do all of the Expert Village car guys have the same radio announcer
voice? lol

islandguy671 says:

never use the timingbelt to lock the sprocket, this will damge the belt and
most likely wouldnt work.

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