This is why you test not guess! Part 2 #kia #mechanic #automotive #car #diagnostics #autorepair

This is why you test not guess! Part 2 #kia #mechanic #automotive #car #diagnostics #autorepair


@zellerized says:

Fix problem: Sell Kia

@JamesSmith-xs7sr says:

T chain shot its wadd?

@Bearded_Drone says:

Y’all might wanna blur our Megan Hoopers information. The internet now has her phone number, name, plates and address. You never know what crazy people lurk out there. Plus as a business, you all are responsible for the client and their Personal Information.

@ferndog1461 says:

Okay. I subscribed.

@danielmaehren882 says:

Wippin out that leatherman! My man…

@phazerboy says:

And then figure out what is drawing more than 10 amps blowing the fuse.

@grassroot011 says:

and the reason why having proper schematics at hand is paramount !

@thomaskirkpatrick4031 says:

The starter motor isn't long for this world.


whys it blowin ?

@joetroutt7425 says:

Mechanic: That will be $250
Customer: what was the problem?
Mechanic: a fuse
Customer: A FUSE!!??? $250 for a fuse?
Mechanic: no, $100 diagnostic fee. $20 an hour to fix the problem and $10 for the fuse.

@nathandean1687 says:

so did u yall fire that asshat who cut the wires. that wasnt a rat that chewed the wires.

@therealwormsgarage says:

Wow amd I started. My guess would be o2 sensor if this happened when warm

@JorgeTorres-is7bv says:

So then what was the short to ground at? What caused it?

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