Replacing Rear Brakes 2007 Kia Rondo

Replacing Rear Brakes 2007 Kia Rondo

Sorry for me getting in the shot, trying out a tripod, Will make sure to get more of the car and less of me next time, lol…subscribe.



yodakilljarjar1 says:

You should also remove the brake fluid reservoir cap prior to compressing
the piston.

atcman5115 says:

yea i relized that i wasnt paying attention alot at that spot in the vid

TheWallyjp says:

nope just no time to watch this now lol

TheWallyjp says:

i will watch this eventually

CountryBoyFord7 says:

Yeah I think 250 ftpds Sounds good. My mom caddie is a bitch to do because
they a such big pistons.

CountryBoyFord7 says:

you have a kia?

CountryBoyFord7 says:

You sit so far up in that car I look like a giant.

savagenomore says:

man that’s a pretty strong gun… I’ll show ya how to get that piston back
in easier when I do the brakes on the beater car…

atcman5115 says:

use a c clamp to put the piston back

CountryBoyFord7 says:

same thing… mine way is faster on these smaller cars.

savagenomore says:

lmao….an elephant driving a peanut…

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