Kia Brake Job.mp4

Kia Brake Job.mp4

I am not a mechanic, nor am I a doctor so any advise I give is to be taken with a pound of salt! I go through a brake pad replacement for a 2008 Kia Sedona M…



joe m says:

thanks for the video. never done this before, helped a whole lot.

GrandesClassicos93 says:

Rather have your bleeder screw open

Denny McCombs says:

It’s been a while since I changed brake pads. Thanks for the video on the 2008 Kia. It was very helpful.

Vadim Erenburg says:

Thank you once more.

Skragg101 says:

@Vadim Erenburg i think it is a good idea to remove the cap when doing this job, i however did not remember to during this video, but it worked out for me just fine.

Vadim Erenburg says:

Thank you for the video, you made it look easy and I will try it myself.
Is it true that brake fluid cap must be removed before compressing the caliper with a c-clamp?

Jeffclay07 says:

make sure you remove the brake fluid resevior cap before compressing the caliper with a c-clamp

bruce baldwin says:

y not

giancarlomapre says:

NEVER change the brakes yourself!

Shane Lerk says:

Can you show vid on changing tran oil please

Skragg101 says:

@rasheedaqeel thanks for watching, and believe me the hardest part is jacking the van in the air, just make sure you have the C clamp to compress the caliper rack up those “man ponits”.

Skragg101 says:

@venezola27 yep, the video was made on the rear brakes, lucky to have pads all the way around. thanks for watching!

Annick Rodriguez says:

thanks for this video, now: is it the same thing for rear brakes?. Thank you again!!!

Aqeel Rasheed says:

You make it look easy as pie. I hope my attempt is as quick as yours. Thanks for the video.

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