2009 Kia Rio Speed Sensor replacement (Automatic) 5 Min DIY

2009 Kia Rio Speed Sensor replacement (Automatic) 5 Min DIY

2009 Kia Rio speed sensor replacement. 5 minute job on top of transmission, located under the air intake, remove battery, battery plate, and move intake out of way.

The problem: not shifting gears properly would mainly work 1st and second gear but wouldn’t go to third.

Part cost 29.99 Autozone



@DessiLu14 says:

Did your car stay in 2nd gear the whole time while in drive?

@larrykrzeminski631 says:

Do you have the part number by chance? I need to order the exact same one and was hoping you could help me out?

@jairoarrue7708 says:

What was the problem with the sensor?

@moisesreyes3057 says:

Podrías mandarme más información sobre este cambio amigo. Tengo un carro de esos

@dcnarching says:

This car has given me a lot of issues, I have to replace a lot of parts on this vehicle, I still own it and it’s currently running good.

@joaldavid4009 says:

I have problems with the transmission bushings have to be changed and am having a problem with acceleration at times usually keep a full tank of gas

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