2003 Kia Rio clutch replacement – how to part 2 of 2

2003 Kia Rio clutch replacement – how to part 2 of 2

2003 Kia Rio clutch replacement – how to part 2 of 2.



gershon silva says:

I have a Kia Sportage 2001 back wheel traction. I have removed everything and every bolt that holds the transmission to the engine but there is a screw in a very impossible position for me, . am tempted to cut the fire wall to access it, is very much accesible but the fire wall just provides no room to work, any suggestions

Taras953 says:

it’s NOT mine/hahahah

T Hirano says:

Good instructions. You shown me that a “backyard brokanic” like me can’t DIY this job.. How much would a clutch change like this cost when done by a professional like Sears or dealership?

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