Replacing the water pump on a 06 Jeep commander 4.7

Replacing the water pump on a 06 Jeep commander 4.7

Here is a short video giving you the basic idea of how to replace the water pump. it was done later in the day 8pm and took no more than an hour. It rained l…



Michelle G says:

How did you get the screw driver in the holes of the pulley?

Jim Witzigman says:

Good video, what symptoms did you have to find the loose fan?
How much coolant did you end up putting back in?

jordan box says:

there are holes in front of the pulley, put a phillips screwdriver through
it and a big cresent wrench on the nut, rotating counter clockwise. you
will need a socket set i believe 14mm and 7mm, maybe 15mm and 8mm

jjbeemer says:

Thanks for making this video! I have to do this tonight on my
stepdaughter’s Commander.

920gamez says:

Hi how did you remove the fan clutch witch way did you turn it to remove it
and also what kind of tools u you used

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